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4g not working

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Unable to access 4g since before Christmas. Previously working fine. Numerous calls to Vodafone and checks have not resolved the issue, despite receiving new iPhone (as it was under warranty) and Ia st week a new SIM card.  Tried swapping SIM card etc.  


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

There has been a few recent threads on the forum similar to yours @Caroljb 

Perhaps a forum search may yield some help and tips.

If the phone has 4G turned On in it's connection settings,  and as a process of elimination another sim card produces 4G from the phone and the sim has been swapped out and this is happening everywhere this does point to an account issue.

Sometimes asking customer services to flush the account helps.

The Social Media Team's via Contact-us-for-account-specific-queries     

May also be abke to help too.



Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²³ Ultra 512gb Phantom Black.



Thank you @band of brothers.  I will follow up with customer services and the social media teams as you suggest.  I have already trawled community questions re 4g issues and I think all has been checked/ tested although I’m not sure about the APN that someone mentioned- I’m not very techie! 

@BandOfBrothers I contacted 191 as you suggested and an engineer has run checks.  I received the following email this afternoon from my named contact. I’m afraid it makes little sense to me but it seems they’re closing my case despite me having no access to 3G/4G.  I even sent them screenshots taken at the same time and venue from my phone and my husband’s showing that he could access 4G and I couldn’t - we were sitting next to each other. I’d be grateful for your views.  I asked for an urgent call back as I don’t understand where to go from here but that was 4.5 hours ago and I’ve heard nothing. It seems we’re paying for a service I’m not getting.  


“I’ve been on a call with the engineer assigned to your case who talked me through his investigation. To keep things clear and concise, your number is requesting data from the network and receiving this back. Whether this is reaching your device is a different story. I understand that it may be difficult to believe that you don’t have a network fault because you clearly can’t access your internet, however it’s proven that this is the case. To provide some perspective, I’ve seen a customer’s own Apple ID cause their fault. When they wiped their device and set it up without their Apple ID, it worked. As soon as they logged back into their iCloud account their fault was restored. We must continue to close your case since we the network cannot provide a resolution to a device/software fault. We can recommend that your SIM be placed in a non-iPhone with none of your old data restored onto it, or that you try factory resetting your device and retest before restoring any information. It might also be worth deleting any 3rd party apps to see if any of these may be the cause.