17-03-2025 06:36 PM
Hi, I’m trying to get an ASUS Rt-ax86u pro set up as my router to replace the Vodafone one. I have a static ip assigned. Chat have twice provided me with username and password. If I enter login details as PPOE- the router shows disconnected even with correct vlan details. Connecting as a static ip( and it hasn’t requested login and password), the router shows connection to the internet, though no data is transferred. Any suggestions please, Vodafone chat say I have all correct information required! ? Many thanks John
17-03-2025 09:04 PM
You'll need to use the username & password to authenticate your router. Vodafone should then assign the Static IP to your router using DHCP. As for the VLAN ID, if your connection is provided by OpenReach then no VLAN ID is needed, but if you are on CityFibre you'll need the VLAN ID 911.
18-03-2025 11:00 AM
Thanks for your reply. Clarifying then is the static IP currently tied to my Vodafone router and does this need to be cancelled temporarily ? And is that why PPoE authentication won’t work