10-12-2023 07:12 PM
Hi! My e-commerce shop seems to have been flagged as 18+ even though I have no idea why. No forbidden content there, just selling heated blankets. Would be most grateful for an urgent solution. I am running paid ads and I am quite unhappy about this thing
11-12-2023 12:15 PM
11-12-2023 12:19 PM
Hi Lucy! Thank you for your reply! I can see that it was flagged as phishing risk, but honestly I don’t know how this is possible because the website is 100% legit, hosted through official shopify platform on hostinger and does not send any emails or anything else. Just sells…
well, yes, there is a subscription feature there, true, but everyone has it to day, not a viable reason to block a website I assume
could you please help to resolve this? What are my next steps here?
11-12-2023 05:00 PM
Thank you for getting back to us. We've raised this now under the reference: INC000005022825 for our team to investigate. As soon as we hear back, we'll let you know here.
13-12-2023 11:12 AM
Hi @Kuziomin - thanks for your patience. We've had an update to say the site has now been reclassified as 'Shopping/Clothing'. If any users report issues, please ask them to clear the browsers cache/cookies and the test it again.
13-12-2023 11:13 AM
Thank you very much!!!