Web shop voucher
How long does a web shop voucher take to become valid
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How long does a web shop voucher take to become valid
himy dob is wrong on my account do I have to speak 2 a real person or can i change it myself anywheremany thanks
Me and my husband sent our phones off for warrenty repair after it was agreed when we spoke to a advisor. One of the phones is "done" and i recieved a email saying i need to ring them to discuss the phone. but without my out phones i cant log onto my...
Why is the display area squeezed? And the incoming message not displayed unless you scroll or line by line.
I get notifications when I'm away that a new device has connected to my router but when I log on to the router I get a comunication error
I would like to thank Daniel in Manchester customer service for all his help and understanding today resolving a broadband issue for my son, who has learning problems.He is a great credit to vodavone and spent a lot of time & care with me today to so...
how do I save to SIM on my mobile phone? In Settings it is set to SIM. The hard drive storage is full
Secure net is blocking my website and the last time I tried to asked for help my community post got marked as spam. It's hard enough as it is, and now it's even harder if I can't reach my customers. HELP
HelloWe are facing an issue which causes bad reputation and financial loss because of incorrect filtering of vodafone secure net.Can anybody help for this issue please ?Best regards
Hi, Does the standard Vodafone SIM card work in a 2g mobile phone? thanks.