26-01-2013 05:42 PM
Since August 2011I have been battling with Vodafone telephone support line to stop the sending of text messages regarding configuration settings each time the phone disconnects from the car.
I get a text saying the following:
"To make sure you can access the internet on your mobile we are sending your phone settings by text. Depending on your choosen price plan some internet services may incur a charge. For meinformation go to".
Then a second message arrives
"Select 'Save' from 'Oprions' to configure all settings.
Access points
Multimedia access points:
Web Settings:
Vodafone say the only way the messages will stop is if I change the settings on the cars system but when I enter the phone menu, the only options the car covers is adding or deleting a user and changing a user name. All other menus access my phone directly. I have had the car two years, no firmware updates on the car, had the phone the same time. What's more confusing is that it happens on my wifes car which is 18 months old. Both our cars are from the same manufacturer but different model ranges. The phones we have are a Nokia 5230 and a Nokia 2730.
I'd be surprised if it is the cars unit becasue it happens on both cars when phones disconnect, both mobiles are on Vodafone network. Both cars have been back to the dealer and there are no faults. I fail to see why it could be a car fault as it only uses rSAp to allow a hands free control via Bluetooth. This doesn't happen with any other bluetooth connection I make.
Why would my car instruct Vodafone to send instructions to my phone on how to connect to their services?
Any help greatly appreciated as we have missed some important messages as they get lost in the Vodafone list, approximatly 26 per day! My wife has missed out on job interviews because of the same problem.
Hope someone can help here, otherwise it is a letter to Vodafone instructing them that I will bill them for the time it takes to delete the messages and take up with Ofcom as these are unsolicited messages.
Solved! Go to best answer.
12-02-2013 12:00 PM
Pleased to confirm that the issue of irritating incessant Configuration Messages when using rSAP is now fixed on Vodafone!
The process to follow is:
1) Call 191 and speak to Customer Services.
2) Select the menu option for Technical Support, possibly labelled as "Problems using your phone".
3) Explain to the operator that you need to be put through to Level 3 support to make a change on their "VDC" system.
4) You might need to be put to Level 2 Support first, so you may need to repeat the request.
5) Eventually, you will be in touch with Level 3 Support. Instruct them to set your phone number on their "VDC Blacklist" which is a list of phones that should not be sent the Configuration Messages.
6) The Vodafone system will still register that you have (virtual) change of phone every time you use rSAP in your car, but the blacklist on your number will then block all Configuration Messages from being sent to your phone.
This block will not stop normal Vodafone text messages such as Vodafone Call Catcher or general customer service text messages.
It has been a very pleasant few days without the dozens of daily Vodafone Configuration Messages that clog up my system, so I have chosen to remain with Vodafone. Good service deserves to be rewarded with good customer loyalty - just wish it did not require the process of leaving Vodafone before somebody chose to address it in two days, when being told for the last four months that it was not possible to address at all!
My thanks to all at Vodafone who made this possible.
20-08-2013 10:12 AM
Hi Lee,
I have only recently joined this forum having also suffered from hundreds of rSAP disconnect messages since last year. I have only just worked out why as a newcomer here, the link to send you a private note leads to an "Access Denied" page. If you can access my profile details I would appreciate an email from you so I can send you my details and seek your assistance.
As a business I used Vodafone since before GSM and now, retired, I do not want have to go elsewhere, although have been assured by one of your direct competitors that they do not have the rSAP disconnect problem and are sending me free test SIMs. It is also suggested on the Asda forum that their users, who apparently use your network, only have to report the problem to Asda to get it fixed.
20-08-2013 11:25 AM
I found none of the solutions offered here worked and the tech service team are useless.
Therefore I voted with my feet and after 20 years with Vodafone I am now with the Talk Talk network. Transition was smooth and I still have my old number and best of all, it cost me absolutly nothing.
So anyone else fed up with the Vodafone problem just move it is far quicker and simpler.
21-08-2013 10:56 AM - edited 21-08-2013 11:03 AM
Hi Sapped1,
As you’ve realised, the ability to send PMs is related to your forum rank.
We can certainly help you with this.
See how to get in touch with us here.
10-10-2013 09:06 PM
I have been reading this thread with interest as I have recently experienced this frustrating situation since upgrading to an S4 a few weeks ago (there is a thread I started under the S4). In addition to the configuration messages which arrive whenever I get in or out of the car (Skoda VRS - ###### group as above) I occasionally get 'handset not registered on network' when I try to use the phone on leaving the car. I then have to restart the phone!
Could you please advise re getting these messages stopped (other than by battling 191 if that's possible) and also how being disconnected from the network may be stopped avoided.
Many thanks in anaticipation!
10-10-2013 09:33 PM
Congratulations on the S4, lovely car!
To be fair, the call disconnecting is not the fault of Vodafone or Audi, or even your phone handset maker. Basically, when you shut off the ignition and open the door ready to leave the car, the MMI Bluetooth shutsdown and hands the SIM (via rSAP) back to the phone handset. Behind the scenes, it is like you have a phone call in progress, shutdown your phone, remove the SIM, put it in another phone, then startup the new phone, and expect the call to still be in progress - simply cannot happen! The MMI has settings for how long the Bluetooth should remain after you shut off the ignition, that may help but means you cannot leave the car.
Even in this situation, having to shutdown and restart the phone seems a bit extreme. Would suggest you try to activate "airplane" mode, then deactiviate it again. Airplane mode is where it shuts off the radio circuits, so forcing it to check the radio circuits again after you toggle it on and off.
As for stopping the configuration SMS messages, no way around it except that 191 far as I know. Thats how this thread got started.
Good luck, hope you can get the messages cancelled and enjoy your car fully!
10-10-2013 09:41 PM
Thanks for your advice.
Its an S4...a Samsung Galaxy S4.....
11-10-2013 08:04 AM
To be honest Deepmeister I completly disagree with what you say.
If what you say is true, then why does this only happen with the Vodafone network?
I have tried sims in a variety of phones and across a range of cars with built in Bluetooth phone connection and regardless of phone or car, as I say just occurs on the Vodafone network.
My advice to anyone is to get a sim card from another provider and transfer your number.
Vodafone through several technical support officials over the past 18 months has confirmed they are aware of this issue and it is down to a Network upgrade but there is nothing they can do about it!
This is utter rubbish as other networks have upgraded their systems without the result of annoying messages being downloaded.
11-10-2013 11:53 AM
Hi,I totally agree with the last post having had this problem for over a year now and not getting any satisfaction from Vodaphone advisors or customer services-they always blame the vehicle manufacturer for the problem,so what I don't understand is why this problem doesn;t occur with either Talkmobile or Asda services when both of them use the Vodaphone carrier service.My contract with Vodaphone ends in the next 2 months and I certainly will not be staying with them,vote with your feet and walk away,Vodaphone are so big that they have lost that personal touch with their customers and will promise you the earth and deliver absolutely nothing.
11-10-2013 12:32 PM
I also totally disagree with Deepmeister and its worth explaining a few things.
If it has its own SIM, when you turn on your car ignition your rSap kit registers itself with VF and sends various data including that which identifies your rSAP kit and its SIM identity. This is personal information within the meaning of the Data Protection Act and VF are required by law to process it according to the so-called ‘data protection principles’.
When your handset SIM data is used by your car kit in rSAP mode, VF appear to record the fact that you have changed the kit normally associated with that SIM and when you disconnect from the rSAP kit it automatically sends you a message and the Internet set up for your handset saying that VF think you have changed something and they want to be sure you can access the Internet. This is a processing error which VF obviously knows all about and they should not be doing it over and over. Moreover your personal data is being processed for purposes of marketing to which you have not agreed.
If you do not get satisfaction from VF you should complain to the Information Commissioner. Contact me privately if you want to know how to go about it.
11-10-2013 01:03 PM
I tested O2 and it sends an absolutely identical message on rSAP disconnect. Orange on the other hand does not, and I was preparing to move to them when after complaining for a year VF stopped sending me the disconnect messages.