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1/2 completed broadband installation

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

21st Feb: VF 1/2 installed on a new Gigafart service on Monday 21st. Due to the high wind they installed the house boxes inside and out but could not go up the pole to install/connect the cable from post to house.

VF mailed me to say sorry and they would ring to arrange to complete in 24 hours.

23rd Feb: As I was with Virgin I now have no BB internet - this was cancelled from the 23rd.

I have connected with the supplied VF dongle. This works poorly and intermittently. I work for the NHS and video calls are now out of the question. I can’t do my job (nationally, people I work with are everywhere).


I used the chat line to try to contact VF and after four attempts and being cut off  VF  said they ‘are not sure who is responsible in their team…’. A one hour wait on the customer phone line and I gave up.


25th Feb: No sign of or news from VF since. I used the chat line to contact VF and after four attempts and being cut off  VF  said they ‘are not sure who is responsible in their team…’


Their issue I know is the city fibre-kelly-supplier (VF). There are a thousand complaints about this relationship on this forum. BUT VF are my suppliers and they are not communicating with me at all and frankly for my work, l this is a disaster.


NOW: IF a VF employee reads this - two things you can do: fulfil your VF promise to communicate with me and compete the installation. No excuses or explanations or apologies. ACT.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Fionbarra1 wrote:

NOW: IF a VF employee reads this - two things you can do: fulfil your VF promise to communicate with me and compete the installation. No excuses or explanations or apologies. ACT.

Unfortunately no Vodafone employee (with the ability to do anything) will read this, the only thing you could do is raise a complaint. Complaints Code of Practice | Vodafone

Thank you for that advice.

I have now made a formal complaint.