23-04-2022 01:10 PM
Hi all. I was thinking about setting up a schedule to switch off my broadband for around 6 hours at night, but I was thinking from the point of view of energy saving rather access prevention. So my question is, does scheduling the broadband reduce electricity consumption?
23-04-2022 01:14 PM
You will not save any money on your electricity bill. Better off getting a timer that plugs into the mains socket and have it kill the power at set times of the day/night. Just remember though that the Hub is required for the landline to work if you have a digital voice landline.
24-04-2022 08:56 AM
Thanks Paul.
24-04-2022 10:49 PM
I wouldn't recommend turning off the Hub if you're on FTTC or DSL as doing so might result in your speeds being restricted. Vodafone/Openreach might mistake your power downs and as a fault on the line.
25-04-2022 12:58 AM
The manner in which the cabinet identifies the difference between a disconnect and a power interruption is a little odd. So the cabinet checks for lines that are down every 15 minutes. If a line is down for two consecutive checks then DLM is not triggered. But in order to be sure that your line fails two consecutive checks then it needs to be down for a minimum of 30 minutes, otherwise, there is a possibility of only failing a single check by the cabinet!
So, if you use a timer, as long as the off-time is greater than 30 minutes you shouldn't suffer DLM issues.
*OpenReach is free to change how it manages such things as it seems fit - what may work now, may not work in the future!