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Can Vodafone change settings on your router?

1: Seeker

I have just been told by the online tech team that they have changed some advanced settings on my router to improve my connection that keeps dropping out. Specifically to help with the poor signal-to-noise level of my DSL line.

Can they actually do this? I have changed the admin password for the router so do they have a backdoor or was this just a 'placebo' solution by the support guy?  By 'placebo' I mean they didn't actually do anything except tell me that they had to make me feel better...



Hello, @nkclayton. I hope you're well.

Our Broadband Support Team are able to manage your connection from their side, and this does include features like changing your wireless channels, for example. So there are certainly advanced settings which we can adjust to see if your service improves. 

The admin password is for use on the customer side only, it wouldn't impact our ability to manage your service. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

And every time they do it knocks my router off line and I have to manually reset it, thankfully happening less now but a month or so back it was happening 2 or 3 times a day. Seems less frequent now

Thanks for this, I didn't know that.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

As @Ripshod says, yes they can remotely configure your router, most ISP's can and do.

However there is not a lot they can do about the DSL line, as that is controlled by DLM from the cabinet, and just what do you consider a poor SNR?

6.1dB downstream, 6.7dB upstream

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@nkclayton wrote:

6.1dB downstream, 6.7dB upstream

Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Why do you consider that poor?

Post your actual DSL stats. For comparison here are mine, but bear in mind it took a while for DLM to reduce my SNR to allow me to achieve my best download figures.

Line Quality

  Downstream Upstream
Current Rate79997 kbps20000 kbps
Maximum Rate82269 kbps25030 kbps
Signal-to-Noise Ratio4.2 dB8.8 dB
AttenuationDS1 9.1 dB, DS2 22.2 dB, DS3 34.8 dBUS0 2.1 dB, US1 15.4 dB, US2 25.0 dB