09-03-2023 08:16 PM
wanting to upgrade to Fibre.
I live in rural Scotland and power cuts ( esp in winter) are a regular feature.
I need a reliable 24/7 landline for work (Hosp Dr , and phone needed for on call emergencies & Stuff)
I dont get a reliable mobile signal through the 2 feet thick stone walls of my 19th century croft. even on the window cill its very intermittent.
If there is a powercut I loose VOIP .
So how can I power the router ( and phones) to ensure a landline during power cuts
09-03-2023 08:44 PM
@medalto Purchase a UPS. There are websites which calculate the power requirements for you. If the power cuts are protracted then you'll need a auto-starting petrol/diesel generator.
09-03-2023 09:34 PM
@medalto wrote:So how can I power the router ( and phones) to ensure a landline during power cuts
You are going to need a UPS (uninterruptible power supply), basically a big battery.
However, if your phones need power, they won't work in a power cut, even on the PSTN, (Public switched telephone network) which will be switch off by the end of 2025 anyway.