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Final bill never received/default on credit score

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi all. I cancelled my Vodafone contract a good few months ago now and joined Fibrus who was to buy out my Vodafone contract. I was told my final bill would generate after my service ended so I waited and nothing. I contacted them on the 13th of March (live chat) who said no bill had been created yet but would be made available to me so again I waited and checked online which showed no available bill and months have went on with zero contact from them until yesterday I got a letter to say I’ve defaulted on the debt and sent to a debt collection agency. So now they’ve ruined my credit score all Because they haven’t sent my any bills…contacted the social media team today as advised in another posted and of course their being just as difficult to work…very on brand for Vodafone honestly. 
what’s my best option here if any??



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I've not come to an end with a Vodafone contract, but I would expect any outstanding charges (such as ETF) to be taken by direct debit same as the normal monthly charges. Did you perhaps stop the DD and that is why you defaulted?

Doesn't explain why the details aren't on your online account though.

I suggest you raise an official complaint, they should be able to sort it out.

Complaints Code of Practice | Vodafone UK

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Yup, the final payment was taken by direct debit here - no problems.

The issue with the final bill is a bit complicated though, because thanks to Vodafone's wonderful billing system, if you are not quick once the account is closed or you have a combined service bill you lose access to your bills!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Ryan767 - I'm sorry to hear of the confusion surrounding your final payments and that this has lead to it impacting your credit file. 

I've found your conversation on our social channel. Please reply back to us there if you feel it's not resolved.