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Goodbye VF

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I signed-up with a different ISP yesterday.


So I now wait to see if VF:

  • "forget" to stop taking the money out of my bank account,
  • Leave me with a THG3000 doorstop or paperweight (has anyone got an amusing use for the router?),
  • Mess-up the handover to the new ISP,
  • Find some new and inventive way to be frustrating.

Please place your bets now.


Huge thankyou to the community for helpful tips and the humour too. I think that I may just continue to lurk around for the laughs.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member
  • Mess-up the handover to the new ISP,

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Cynric wrote:

I signed-up with a different ISP yesterday.


So I now wait to see if VF:

  • Leave me with a THG3000 doorstop or paperweight (has anyone got an amusing use for the router?),

Almost certainly this... would you want it back?  😁


I have now have three, one  HHG2500, the 1st THG3000 they sent me to replace the perfectly functional but utterly garbage HHG2500 and then the 2nd THG3000 they sent when I signed up for a second 18 month contract (which expires this month).


In fairness, since the early days of the first contract, I have had no issues with the service provided and thus no need of help desk support or customer services.  (Fingers remain firmly crossed).  I no longer use their supplied modem/router which may or may not be be part of my trouble free experience.


Enjoy your new supplier and your new doorstop/paperweight - it'll be as useful in those roles as it was as a modem/router.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

A letter from VF arrived today (17th). They write "We're sorry to hear you're planning on leaving us". Further on they say that the service will be cancelled on 8th, yes nine days ago and the cancellation date will be the 30th. 


The new ISP says that the transfer will be the 30th.


Isn't it comforting to know that VF appear to be clueless!!!

I had the same style letter and it beggars belief they are sending them out like this. I am migrating on the 25th of April, yet they have advised me the service will stop on the 9th, which was the date of writing and roughly a week before the letter was received. 

For my part Vodafone has generally been reliable and certainly better than the Mickey Mouse ISP I tried before. It's just the total lack of organisation internally and the inability to resolve simple bureaucratic issues that make me want to leave rather than sign up for another couple of years. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


Just who were the "Mickey Mouse ISP" who were worse than Vodafone. We need to be warned.

@Jayach It was a smaller provider called Cloudscape Connect and I had a pretty dreadful 12 months there before running for the hills. In comparison, Vodafone have been a vast improvement at least in terms of general reliability. 

I shall be paying a bit a little more in future on a business line with another provider that will hopefully be rock solid without performance drops at peak times. This did necessitate buying a new router/modem combo but I work from home as a web designer and I just want the internet to work.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Whoo-hooo. I am no longer connected to VF 😁😎

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Cynric wrote:

Whoo-hooo. I am no longer connected to VF 😁😎

Enjoy your new broadband service and your new THG3000 paperweight/doorstop...  Who did you switch to?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I went to John Lewis. I had been with them in the past and it was a good experience. I am aware upon who is providing the underlying service but their helpdesk knows how to spell H-E-L-P and knows what it means too. I only ever had one problem with them and when I called them they had already seen it and were fixing it.


The "free" ADSL router is Zyxel VMG3925-B10C, it's not top of the range thing but it has loads of pages of settings that are open for adjustment. I shall be playing with the settings over the weekend, but this morning I just replaced the THG3000 and plugged in the downstream router that I had previously piggy-backed on the THG. It's a work day and I can't spare time to take the second router out right now.