10-04-2021 10:17 AM
I signed-up with a different ISP yesterday.
So I now wait to see if VF:
Please place your bets now.
Huge thankyou to the community for helpful tips and the humour too. I think that I may just continue to lurk around for the laughs.
03-05-2021 10:06 AM
Now had a solid 2 days of uptime (after all you have to tinker with a new router for the fun of it) and the first stats are:
Packets sent errors: 0
Packets sent dropped: 0
Packets received errors: 0
Packets received dropped: 0
Speedtest: 57/13.25
Take heed Vodafone this is the same FTTC and copper to the house (Openreach), and all I did was change ISP and use their supplied router (Zyxel VMG3925-B10C).
03-05-2021 10:58 AM
I'm glad it worked out ok for you, at least you won't have to chat to Vodafone customer services anymore and you will be able to select your WIFI channel