27-04-2023 10:03 PM
Just switched from Sky, and whilst the Voda installation/changeover was painless, and FTTP speeds exceed the baseline, I'm unpleasantly surprised by the Router clunkiness, despite Which? rating it as good.
I'm sure all these things are covered elsewhere, but I don't really have the time to read thousands of posts, so take this as just a gentle moan.... no need to jump in and ##~## me off/agree/disagree, unleess you want to.
* Why is the router web GUI so slow? Any changes can take ages to register, and having painfully created static IP's, why does the NAT table not show them for HOURS sometimes?
* Why does the Overview page reload every 15 seconds or so? This makes it very difficult to edit names or do anything with the devices that are in the 'see more' category.
*Why can't I change the WiFI channel? It's locked on 4, which in my environment is not ideal. The Wi Fi dropped every few seconds until I sidestepped the channel problem by changing the banwidth to 20/40.
* Why do changes to naming made in the App not translate to the router or to the same app on a different phone/tablet?
*Why does the App tell me that I can improve WiFi performance by combining SSIDs, but I can improve overall performance by combining. Might be true, but not very helpful!
27-04-2023 10:11 PM
That last comment should have read 'improve overall perfomance by splitting'.
I can now add another niggle.... the time available to edit a post is too short!!
29-04-2023 10:32 PM
@BilgeratMost of your questions are sadly answered with, "it's a cheap general purpose router made for VF, not by VF".
Control of setting has been reduced and replaced by "smart" software.
Edit time has been reduced because of spammers.
02-05-2023 11:57 PM - edited 02-05-2023 11:59 PM
Agreed I guess...
It's a shame: The Technicolor router has a pretty adequate feature set other than those Vodafone have chosen to hide, but it is so slow to react to changes/selections/everything. Also don't really know why it takes ages for a DHCP address reservation to be set up... I can almost imagine people in an IT suite pushing buttons.
Anyway, all finally set up now, WiFI switched off and DECO S4s in Access Point mode doing the WiFi.