19-05-2022 02:57 PM
I've sold my current house and have bought a new house that I move into at the end of June. I have to move out of my current house at the end of May andI move to my partners house for that 3-4 week period before I get the keys to the new house. I intend on moving my Vodafone broadband to the new house which means for that 3-4 week period my Vodafone connection won't be being used (in effect the new owners of my current house will bring their own broadband with them). What are my options? I've read somewhere that Vodafone can't pause accounts so I'm at a loss of what to do.
19-05-2022 03:30 PM
Yes until March 2023
19-05-2022 03:36 PM
Makes it a bit difficult then. You are supposed to give 30 days notice, even for a move, Moving home with broadband | Vodafone