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Port Mapping on THG3000

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Vodafone moved me from a VodafoneConnect35612892 to the THG3000 router. Since then I can't access some of the ports that need to be open for FTP and website maintenance - particularly Port 21. Trying to connect (using Filezilla) I get in infamous 'error 425'.  (Oddly one other 'site I maintain - with a different server -  that uses Port  I8221 DOES work?) Tried filling out the IPv4 Static Port Mapping, but can't seem to get the correct combination, which I think is primarily down to what IP is used (though there maybe other factors involved?)  So the question is - what is the actual data that needs to be entered to open Port 21? Plus does it need to be 'just' 21 or is a range advisable?

Yes I have looked at other posts re: 'THG300 and Port Mapping', but none seem to directly answer this?



Community Manager
Community Manager

@mat-irvine - thanks for reaching out to us about this. Please can you see if the link here, helps if you adjust it to 21 and if not please let us know what you've already tried. 

Yes that is the first one I tried - and which brought me to this Forum. Unfortunately with that post, the writer already has the device wanting connection, so it shows up on the Port Mapping page. I'm trying to connect to a remote site (ie my website server). I have its IP address, so the logic was use that - nope still gives me  'Error 425'.  The previous modem/router didn't stop anything, hence the surprise with this new one. But - oddly? - I can't quite understand a) why some Ports are stopped with this router or b) why no-one else has had this problem?

It's due to security.


Why not setup another port and try.



Thanks for your response, but as I mentioned previously, my website is hosted by a third party that requires port 21 to be used to access their server. Consequently I can't quite see how selecting another port would solve the problem, but if it does, I'd need recomendations as to what to try? Meanwhile Vodafone has assigned me a static IP address (which it says I requested, which I didn't, but hey...), so I tried that in the IPv4 Port Mapping page, but still no-go.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@mat-irvine wrote:

Meanwhile Vodafone has assigned me a static IP address (which it says I requested, which I didn't, but hey...), so I tried that in the IPv4 Port Mapping page, but still no-go.


This bit has me confused. If you're trying to access a remote server 21 will work fine for the outgoing connection (vodafone don't block any outgoing ports and port mapping has zero effect anyways). 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

An afterthought:

825 is not a standard ftp error. Do you have root access, may try sftp? Is your IP in a blocklist your host is using (it happens)?

If your server has a file manager it'll likely be better to just use that.

er, thanks for the reply - but I never mentioned 'error 825' - it's '425'.

As I think I have said, I can connect to a different server OK, (which appears IS using Port 21?),  so we are currently looking at any 'disparity' between the server in question and the THG3000 modem/router, as it could be that, not the ports as such? Whatever is the problem, it does appear to be down to this modem, as there was no problem with the previous one - a HHG2500.  I'm tempted to swap them back - BUT I have a feeling this won't be a case of just unplugging the new and plugging back the old, it will involve contacting Vodafone and finding the correct person to swap back serial numbers/whatever at Vodafone's end?

And, yes, I can access the web pages via the server's Control Panel - but it's a separate six-click process for each 'site (there are four) , unlike Filezilla where it's 1, and all done on the same basic menu - so is a wee bit faster...

Further to me trying to connect to my web site server, using FTP, we are now looking at it not being port-related. Instead it appears that Vodafone, having  recently changing my modem/router to a THG3000,  also allocated a new static IP address.  However this IP does not have a host-name associated with it and this is preventing me from FTP’ing to my web host - as that does require an incoming IP to have an associated host-name. Can anyone advise how I can get a host-name from Vodafone for my IP?

For background info, my previous Vodafone modem/router (a HHG2500) did have a host-name and through that I was successfully connecting to the web server host for years.

Grateful for any advise anyone can offer?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Don't know if it's possible for Vodafone to give you a host name. I'm surprised you had one with the HHG2500.

An alternative would be to use a DDNS service instead.

The THG3000 supports a few. 
