11-01-2024 10:06 PM
Hi All, I'm looking at switching from VM to Vodafone Full Fibre 900. I already have an Ampfili Mesh Router set up and want to keep using that. I've seen some people say that they are using their own routers and some documentation that says you can't and you have to use the VF router with fibre packages. Can someone give me a definitive answer? With VM you simply switch their router into bridge mode and connect the Amplifi units and it works. I'm not interested in the VF900 Pro as I know this comes with all of the other services. Any help would be really appreciated.
11-01-2024 10:19 PM
Search these forums and you'll find plenty of people using their own routers. The one difficulty is that if you want to use the supplied VOIP landline then you either have to use the VF equipment or battle with support to get the setup details!