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Windows 11 laptop thinks some file on router attached HDD are corrupt.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I've had a 2TB Seagate HDD attached to my router for 7+ years. I had this setup previously with other ISPS and now with Vodafone. It can sometime take a bit of fiddling when changing routers but I get there in the end.
I was happily accessing the HDD from my Windows 10 Laptop and desktop and also my android phone.

I recently bought a Windows 11 laptop and after some messing got the HDD recognised and mapped.
I can see all the files, but on opening I sometimes get told they are corrupt or not the expected format. When copying I might get told the server couldn't complete the action. Specifically
Error 0x8007003A: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation

None of the files are corrupt as I;ve checked by my other devices.


I've done a load of Googling and as a result of that I enabled version 1 of SMB, which appears to be disable by default in Windows 11. It didn't help in anycase.

I 've tried a USB stick and the same thing happens.

My Windows 11 is a full version downloaded from the Microsoft website, having kick the shipped Lenovo version into touch.
I was hoping someone on this forum might help

I'm just coming to the end of my cotract so will consider a move and hope the new router will be a fix.



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@crystal58 I apologise in advance for asking these "dumb" questions, here goes,

did you get this week's updates from Microsoft?

which router are you using?

does the router have one or two USB ports (did you try both)?

is this happening over both WiFi and ethernet?

is it still OK with any Windows-10 / Android / Linux / etc device that you also have?

Not dumb. My first time posting in a technical forum so bare with me. Thanks for taking the time.

My Windows 11 laptop has been updating today so I think the answer to your first question is yes.

Router is THG3000 - don't know about any version. It only has 1 USB port

My two Windows 10 devices Dell Desktop and Acer laptop are both accessing files as normal. Also so is my Moto G22 android phone (via an app).

I haven't tried connecting with an ethernet cable. A good suggestion. I will do that.

The USB stick I stuck in the router exhibited the same problems as the HDD. It had been fine plugged into the laptop. I get the invalid format message one time and then a few seconds later it opens fine. And vice versa.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@crystal58 wrote:

Router is THG3000 - don't know about any version. It only has 1 USB port

It actually has 2, one is under the removable cover on the back. That's the one I use myself.

What format are you using on the drive/stick. I use NTFS. Try formatting the stick with that, if it isn't already.

The HDD has been NFTS for a while now (4 Years) so that shouldn't be a problem. I'll hunt down the hidden USB and given that a go. My current thought is a WIFI 6 issue.

I think you may be on to something with WiFi. I think this is my only device with WiFi 6 and the nature of the fault suggests some kind of transmission error. Unfortunately my cheap Lenovo laptop does't have an ethernet socket, so I can't plug in. I think I may have an old WiFi dongle somewhere which may help provide an answer. I'll also look at 'downgrading' my laptops WiFi card see if that's possible.


I haven't sussed out how to include part aof the post to which I'm replying (Copy and paste?) so I may have made things a bit muddled. Thanks for your help.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@crystal58 if the laptop has a USB-C port you can get a USB-ethernet dongle. It would be useful to have one anyway.


Yes I thought an Ethernet dongle would be  a good idea too, useful to have up your sleeve.


I've been trying various things with the WiFi. I variously disabled 2.4 and 5GHz, 'downgraded'  each frequency to 802.11n but nothing helped. I also used a dongle - same result. It's quite happy to read and save  file to cloud storage, so to me having done all that, a WiFi compatibility problem seems unlikely - never have issues with websites.


For now at least I'll live with it. Out of curiosity I might try loading Windows 10 to see how that goes on this machine.

I'm retired so got the time to do it.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@crystal58 Retired too 🙂

Just as a thought, would you be happy to try booting off of a USB stick with one of the Linux offerings loaded? Obviously I don't know how familiar you may be with Linux, but it would mean not having to do anything drastic.

There's an interesting site called "Distrowatch" that is quite informative concerning all the Linux/BSD/Unix types.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


That sounds like a good option.

Installing Windows 10 (even if retired) and presumably having  to return to Windows 11 after, is quite a long process.