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2nd time sent phone back for repair

4: Newbie

hi there this is the second time i have sent my mobile phone back to be fixed no luck on the same day i got it back it stareted agian so it is going back if this does not work i would i like a new replacement


4: Newbie

here we go 2nd try to have it fixed may not get it back till march if no luck then it is a new one 😞 🙄

hi there well it seems that vodafone work off script they still say no fault were there is not fit for purpose /i have contacted xiamoi and sent them the same pictures and videos of what is going on it looks like when it comes i may send it to them to have a look at it 😞 😩😞

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @phionex99, what seems to be the fault with your phone? If you can provide us with a little more information, it maybe something we, or one of our community members can help you eliminate.

hi there when you go to google news the letters start jumping around and the pictures have black squares jumping and all ways on a static words and pictures not on moving like watching a video so it is not fit for purpose have been on  to xiaomi at least they have looked at video i sent them of whats going on  

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Does this happen on all your Apps @phionex99 ?  How about Sky and BBC News ?  Do you have the same problems?


This sounds more like a problem with the App, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Google News App. From the App details in store you will have a developer contact with an email address for help with the App.

no it only does it on google info when you turn on the phone home page swipe right then you have google info news then within 30 to 40 seconds it starts

hi there it me just had text and email it on the way back to me with note of they have  done that will be a small one if any thing like the last A big 0 are well 2 and a half moths in to contract under the consumer law if it is not working up to a good standard then but if not then i should be due a new replacement 😞😞 it is less than six month old any way i can all ways email the itv lunch time program and tell them ??????

hi there well it seems it has been fixed 😊😊 yes this time it does not do it any more so YESSSS it was very annoying not any more i hope hope but u don`t know love to know what they did