14-11-2022 06:38 PM
My contract ends 30/11. I am moving from monthly contract to SIM-Only in a new I-Phone 13 I have purchased outright. I am using my contract SIM in my new phone till 30/11.
After 30/11 I'd like to move to a low cost 2BG SIM, but may need to access roaming in the EU option a couple of times a year.
Can I purchase a basic Vodaphone SIM after 30/11 and add EU roaming as a bolt-on just for a few days as I need it? Don't want to move to another network.
14-11-2022 06:54 PM
Unless it's a Basics sim (one of Vodafones value deals) which can't roam AFAIK, the roaming is £2/day in Europe for everything but plans with 4 benefits, or you can buy 8 continuous days for £8, or 15 continous days for £15 - if you want to "upgrade" to a plan that includes roaming you'd need to migrate to a plan that includes it, which can only be done one way.
14-11-2022 07:09 PM
According to this link @wolfie882 Vodafone Basics where you will be able to see what's included, you would need a European roaming pass. There is further information here: Charge Checker Roaming . There is also further information here: Global Roaming Please be aware being a Basics Plan, you would only be able to roam in EU countries.
Basic Plans are new customers only and you would need to take a new number. If you wanted to keep the same number as you are unable to port Vodafone to Vodafone, you would need to port out the number you wish to keep to any other network and back in on your new Basics Plan.