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Default notice on credit report

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Default Notice


Can anyone advise how to deal with a removal of an invalid Default Notice?


On 26 October 2015 Vodaphone registered a Default Notice with Experian and Equifax for a default balance of 28 GBP.  Vodafone have registered a Default Notice against my name even though I have never had an account registered with them in my name. I have been trying to resolve this matter for over 12 months and whilst I have been given reassurances by the Quality Assurance Team that they would resolve this and, even though I have spoken to them on numerous occasions, the Default Notice still remains on my file. After months of calling various departments I finally was put through to Quality Assurance on 23 October 2017 and was promised on several occasions over a 24 hour period that the Notice would be removed. I spent hours on the phone with the Finance Department, Complaints Department and various other departments of Vodafone. I was promised that the Notice would be deleted with immediate effect from my personal credit file. I was reassured that the inaccurate and untrue recording would be deleted from the files of all UK credit reference agencies.  The Default Notice was to be immediately removed as in actual fact I never had an account in my name with Vodafone. I emailed the details to the qualilty assurance vodafone email address.


Today 26 April 2018 I was declined on an application for a mortgage due to my poor credit rating caused by this Default Notice remaining live on my file and having been updated by Vodafone as recently as April 2018.  Almost 3 years after this incorrect entry they are still updating it monthly to advise that the amount remains unpaid. It has ruined my credit rating and has caused us to lose the house we are renting and want to purchase. This is just horrendous and I don’t want anyone else to suffer this horrific nightmare. I just don’t know what I can do to get this Notice removed. I cannot even pay the amount as the account was closed down but this problem remains causing stress, aggravation and significant financial loss. I can only apply for a Bad Credit mortgage now as my credit is so low and the banks are refusing to lend me money. I am disappointed that notwithstanding the repeated reassurances that the attached Default Notice would be removed on admission by Vodafone that it was incorrectly registered against my name it still remains and continues to cause me significant financial loss.


Can anyone help me?



Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Thanks for getting in touch @davidabraham. I'm really sorry to hear about the issues this default has been causing and apologise for any inconvenience that's been caused.

The credit file specialist in our team will be more than happy to take a look into this for you. So they can investigate further, I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.

Good morning, 


I have found out I have also had a default notice added to my credit report with Experian by Vodafone. 
I haven’t held an account with Vodafone since September 2019  which was for a dongle, I cancelled this by phoning through to the Vodafone accounts department and was assured that this account was up to date and was cancelled. 
I am extremely unhappy at this blatant mistake and it has caused a quite negative effect on my credit score which is not acceptable. 
I politely request that you reply to this comment or private message me with the relevant credit specialists details for Vodafone so that this error can be remedied as soon as possible. 

Thomas Donaldson 

Hi @Tomdonaldson-7 👋 we know how important it is for your credit records to show accurate information, if you can contact the team by clicking here and one of our credit specialists can investigate this with you. 

Can someone help me with a contact or department in Vodafone that can remove an incorrect default notice from my Experian credit report?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @mthomas1371 We can certainly take a look into this for you. Pop us a private message through one of our social channels and one of our credit file experts will be happy to pick this up.

Just to let you know, when you message us privately our automated assistant will try to help. You can speak directly to an agent by selecting 'Get started' followed by 'asked to DM'. 

I've had the same issue. I only recently noticed a default on my credit report. 

Over a year ago i was informed none of my direct debits has been going through and i had to pay the full amount. I had not received any communications from Vodafone who said they had been sending out monthly letters. I had not received any letters. No other form of communication e.g. via email had been received. The first i heard of this was when they passed my account on to a debt agency. I then called up Vodafone and paid the my account balance in full straight away and said given the circumstances and that i am paying the total balance straight away in full they would remove the default. The default is still on my credit file and is impacting me negatively in multiple ways! if anyone has a contact number and can assister that would be great

Hi @KB1995, we have a credit file team on Facebook or Twitter that will be happy take a look at your query. Just drop us a private message and include your Community username, you can find the contact details here

Hi MarkD,


The Twitter team were unable to assist properly and just provided me with the general customer service number. I have been advised by the financial ombudsmen services to try and resolve my matter with Vodafone before making any formal complaint. Can you please advise me on how i can actually speak to someone who can help me discuss the default on my old account.

It's disappointing to hear that your query is not resolved after contacting our Twitter and Customer Care teams. The information that you've received by the Financial Ombudsman Service is correct, we need to log this on your account and follow our internal process to try and get you a resolution. We know that you've previously tried, we would recommend that you send us a DM on Twitter so this can be reviewed, it would be helpful if you could also include your Community username. We would hate to see this go to the Financial Ombudsman Service or CISAS (which one depends on the content of your complaint), however, if you're not happy with the information from our Twitter team, the team can start for the process for you.