01-08-2024 06:47 PM
I took out two contracts for the google pixle8 125GB 5G Ultra on the 22nd July for my teens. I was told at the time that I would get the phones within 24-48hrs. 10 days later (today) I get another message saying that they have not received stock for my order and they will update me in 10 working days. On 28th July I went to my local shop saying I will happily change the colour to black. They tried to get someone to do this in their call centres but this just resulted the call centres hanging up on them, three times. I explained that had I known it would have taken so long I would not have chosen the rose, I would have gone with the black and bought covers. Vodafone say that I can only do this if I cancel the original order. However, the deal I got the contract on is over and therefore I would lose out. This isn't reasonable. Surely it is better for vodafone not to have people waiting for phones that they have no idea when they will arrive in stock? As it stands, there is no phone coming my way in the foreseeable future, my kids wanted them for their holidays for taking photos. Is this a case I need to take to the ombudsman?
02-08-2024 05:52 AM
Hi @jacquiharr
I'm sorry to hear your experiencing these delays.
Unfortunately with newly launched phone's delays can happen and more typically with the choice of different colours and storage capacity.
Unfortunately it's my understanding they can't change the phone model unless you indeed cancel and start again. I appreciate the offers are different now however.
I hope you receive your phone's ASAP.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
02-08-2024 07:34 AM
Thanks for your reply. Thing is I entered into the contract based on the information they gave me, that I'd have the phones within 48hrs latest. I would have chosen a different colour hadi been given different factual information. Vodafone are in the wrong
02-08-2024 07:57 AM
There is some confusion here @jacquiharr , Vodafone don't offer the phone you are wanting from the website. All I can find is here
If you ordered direct from Vodafone, it's usually one contract for a new customer, after 3 months you are able to add an additional line, this gives time Vodafone to access how you manage the account. Also, bearing in mind you would be taking out 2 credit agreements.
Take a look at online sites, Google have their own purchase agreements.
As you have teens take a look a Voxi, where your teens will have unlimited social media. Voxi
02-08-2024 08:04 AM
I'm not a new customer. I have been with them for over 20 years. One of my teens has been with them via me so this is an upgrade. My other teen is new via me. The deal Vodafone were offering (Google pixel 8 125GB/£20 ) is now over. I signed up to it on the last few days of the offer.
02-08-2024 11:15 AM
Sorry there's been a delay with your order @jacquiharr, as @BandOfBrothers advised, when there's a new release there can be a delay in gaining stock for the more popular variants. Apologies if this wasn't mentioned during your upgrade conversation. We'll keep you up to date with our delivery time scale via email, and of course let you know the day before your phones are shipped, and our courier will let you know your delivery time slot on the day you can expect your handsets.
02-08-2024 11:22 AM
It's not that I wasn't told this, it's more the fact I was told something completely different, the fact I entered a contract based on the information Vodafone gave me, that was in their screen in the shop. I would not have ordered that phone. I would have cancelled that contract and made a new one, within the offer period, for black phones. That's one of my issues here, Vodafone denied me the ability to do this by giving me inaccurate information. All I would like is the same terms with black Google pixel 8. I'd argue that Vodafone are in breach of consumer law not giving me facts.
02-08-2024 12:17 PM
As your handsets haven't been supplied yet @jacquiharr, if you reach out to our sales team on 191 from your phone or via an online chat, I'm sure they'll be able to look into cancelling your current orders.