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Database maintenance issues?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

So, my mobile contract is coming up for renewal...  When I've logged into the Vodafone UK site it tells me that my details are incomplete.  I managed to figure out that for some reason it looks as if the database records for addresses may have changed slightly, and using the exact same info as previously my details are no longer incomplete.

That brings me on to the main issue though.  Today is July 29th, apparently, I can't upgrade my SIM-only plan until July 29th - umm that's today!

I'm not annoyed yet, but I am hoping that the situation with not being offered a competitive broadband package is not repeated!



Hey, @CrimsonLiar. I hope you're well. 

Thanks for making us aware of the issues which you've had with your account and the information which has been stored, as we're always looking to improve our services. 

You've mentioned about having issues with your upgrade, is it saying that you're eligible now? If not, I'd recommend contacting us so that we can take a deeper look into this for you. 

If I stay with Vodafone I can "upgrade", if I need to transfer it's another 90 days.  As it stands the equivalent offers I've been presented with are all more expensive than if I just go out of contract and more than double the cost if I were to switch to a different major provider.  This is starting to look very similar to my broadband, where Vodafone only made a sensible offer after I'd already left!  To be fair the increase is so ridiculous I may just put in a complaint to OFCOM!

If a number is transferred to another account, we do need to allow 90 days to pass before being able to upgrade it, this is part of the terms and conditions of a Transfer of Ownership. Sorry to hear you've not been offered a deal you'd like to upgrade to. We are always here to help in any way we can, we can't promise to be able to offer a better deal, however we can arrange for a call with our Sales Team to discuss what you may be interested in upgrading to. Feel free to reach our team here

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

When my current contract ends, it will be cheaper for me despite the removal of the 24month discount, to stay on that plan out of contract, than it will be for me to take out a new contract.  Can you explain in a manner that can be understood in this universe how this does not look like a deliberate rip-off & why would I want to stay with a company that appears to be wanting to rip me off.  All the platitudes in this universe are not going to reduce the price I'm being offered!  I'm well-versed in negotiating, doing my prep and seeing what my options are, but it never goes well if the baseline is "scam the customer" and move on up from there!