31-10-2024 10:26 AM
I'm a pay monthly customer, away in Belgium for a few days and can't access mobile networks here. Never had this problem before (was in France last week and everything worked fine). Please help.
31-10-2024 11:20 AM
Hi @ag0437! When you're abroad, we're unable to guarantee a connection as your no longer connected to our network and we're unable to view international masts to assess if there's an issue there that's affecting you. There are some troubleshooting steps we can follow though, please let me know the make and model of your phone and I'd be happy to find the steps for you 🙂
31-10-2024 12:23 PM
hi Beth, it's a Samsung Galaxy S23
31-10-2024 01:09 PM
Thanks @ag0437! Firstly, please make sure that Data Roaming is switched on, for instructions on this, please click here. Secondly, can I take the following information:
- Has it worked at all since you've been in Belgium?
- How long have you been in Belgium?
- Is anyone else that you're with on Vodafone and having the same issue?
- What network are you showing as being connected to?
31-10-2024 03:47 PM
Roaming is switched on. In reply to your qus:
No, it hasn't worked at all since I've arrived in Belgium.
I arrived 24 hours ago.
I'm not with anyone else from the UK who has a Vodafone (or any other) mobile
My phone isn't connecting to any network. I've tried manually selecting Proximus but that doesn't work either.
31-10-2024 05:47 PM
It sounds like we need to take a further look at your account with us. Please reach out to the Social Media team here and we'll enter your account so we can check what your SIM is registering as at the moment🙂