30-01-2017 09:53 PM
I had a chat earlier with one of the online support agents, who told me that it is not only possible but free to have a static IP on home broadband.
However, having found no reference to it anywhere else and several to the contrary, I wonder if she was confusing home and business broadband even though I did specify home.
Can someone from Voda please confirm? Is a static IP on the WAN side of HOME broadband an option?
31-01-2017 06:59 PM
Of course, now I look at my Router config I see no sign of
And why would it be under the Wifi menu anyway??
Maybe things will become clear when I actually get connected
31-01-2017 07:09 PM
I don't think so - setting an internal static IP is usually connected to individual MAC addresses (I've already pre-prepared my router for my network printers and NASs - they are much easier to use with internal static IPs!)
I think I need to stop guessing and wait until I'm live - everyone at Vodafone says the process will be painless and invisible, so I am prepared for the worst
01-02-2017 03:35 PM
Well, my conversion to Vodafone certainly wasn't transparent!
I am now live on Vodafine and my router has upgraded its own firmware amd moved everything around - took me ages to find things that I knew how to find yesterday
But still no sign of a static external IP address option - I'll have to call them tomorrow
01-02-2017 03:36 PM
Well, what do you know!!
While I was typing the above message I received THIS in an eMail
Order reference: SBL-1000000221845852 Good news - your order for a static IP address is now complete. Please note, your static IP address details are: If you have any questions, please call us free on 08080 034 515 from a landline or mobile, or 191 from your Vodafone mobile. Thank you The Customer Care Team
Maybe they're smarter than I gave them credit for
01-02-2017 03:48 PM
Fantastic @philguk!
Looks like it's straightforward after all! Hopefully it all works as smoothly as the setup seems to have been. 🙂
01-02-2017 04:26 PM
I guess I won't know for sure until the next time I restart my router and see if I get the same external IP address
And I am too chicken to do that now - not when everything is working so well .....
01-02-2017 04:30 PM
@philguk I assume you have something set up to be accessed from outside your network? Can you not put the IP address into your browser (phone's browser on mobile data) and see if it connects?
01-02-2017 05:12 PM
I have, I can and it does
What I meant was, next time I restart the router I wonder if I will get my "static" IP address. According to Thinkbroadband, it IS static, so I should be OK
01-02-2017 09:28 PM
OK I braved it
Restarted router and same external IP address 🤗
For or anyone else, I am using the supplied router as a router and dhcp server ONLY. Wifi is disabled, using already existing access points
All I needed to do was assign a few fixed IP addresses for my lam, and a few port forwarding rules
One thing I can't find how to do is open an alternate port for the router configured - it insists on being port:80. And if I try and forward another port to it complains about an invalid address