09-03-2021 11:36 PM
So December 09 I signed up for a 12 month sim only plan. However my plan was not activated until 17th of December or so, my billing date is last day of the month . So (this plan gave me an upgrade to a pay mobthly handset plan today 9th of March.)
I made my upgrade and now my plan details are showing.
Agreement ends 17 December 2023.
What I know is that when you upgrade you sign a new 24 month contract, and your previous 12 month contract gets thrown in the shredder...
Is that not the case with Vodafone? If this is not the case I kindly ask someone to link me to the page where this is explained (on the Vodafone website) not the forum.
December 2023 is 33 months from now. Not 24 months from now.
Also if this is the case this simply tells me that if next year I were to make use of the Vodafone annual upgrade promise (which you hand in your phone, and sign a new 24 month contract.) this will add another 2 years making my contrsct end dste December 2025? No it should make it 2024 because you sign a jew 24 month contract...
Let's do the math.
2023 December term end.
2022 I get upgrade it becomes 2025
2023 I make annual upgrade promise, new end date 2027
2024 I make upgrade promise again new expiry 2029...
Like this makes no sense to me...
Please somebody explain.
So if I were to upgrade 3 times using the annual upgrade promise I would be locked in for a decade???
10-03-2021 12:01 AM
Also am I wrong to think the following.
I was on a £33 a month plan (first 3 months half price)
Signed up 9 December, but my billing period is showing from 17 to 16. And not 9 to 8th.
So i upgraded to a £89 plan.
But now here is what I see. February 17 to March 16 plan price £91
My plan unlimited max £93
Discount £4 off = £89
Wht is it showing £91
Also I am being charged £12.14 and then given a £4.71 discount (I know this is the pro-rata for the old plan.) £7.42 (it's a a bit off) but I accept this. But this is only acceptable if you are changing my billing date to today.
Because the app is telling me that my monthly plan of £91 (should be £89) is for billing period 16 February to 17 March. Which it is not.
Ocnsidering I got the upgrade today. If the billing date remains march 17 then the price should be like
89 / 30 or 31 for pro-rata and multiplied by 8 for simplicity I will use 30 days.
89/30 = £2.96 per day. 8 days (March 9 to 17) = £23.73)
Looks like I will spend another day next week on the phone with the complaints department.
It's unbelievable that in the app it shows £91 in the title and then price is £93-4=£89 as advertised.
I'm going to give it a week to see, maybe the backend systems have not properly synced as the upgrade was just done today. The pro-rata issue I can live with but the contract becoming 36 months I can't because this is complete false advertising.
10-03-2021 11:57 AM
As this is going to require account access, your best bet is to talk to Customer Services or the Social Media team on Facebook or Twitter.