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VF Still Reporting My Closed Account To Credit Agency

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I canceled my vodafone account after many years, a few months ago - due to poor customr service. However, recently I was applying for a mortgage, but was declined because of too many open 'accounts'. I didn't know what they were refering to.


So, I ended up buying a subscription to a credit checking service, and noticed that Vodafone are still reporting that I have an account open with them, but paying £0 a month. This is as good as having an unused credit card/store card on your account - because lenders will see the 0 and expect that it could rise to anything.


I rang up to explain this, and turns out they owed me £45 (or there abouts) - so Vodafone, was going to carry on keeping my account open, instead of just refunding me when my account was *closed* initally. Instead, my accounts been kept open, waiting for me the customer to ring asking for my refund and to close my account - even though I was unaware of this money owed to me, as Vodafone have made no contact to get in touch with me (my address and phone numbers are the same).


So, the girl on the phone has now issued the refund and *closed* my account, and told me they'll write to the credit agencies to fix the problem and should take around 30-45 days. I kind of explained that this has been a problem with Vodafone, unwillingly keeping me in a contract (what it looks like on my credit file), without my agreement, and as a result means my credit file will not be updated in 30-40 days, and therefore cannot apply for the mortgage up until that point. Not to mention, it now looking bad that lenders will see I am applying for what looks like lots of credit (due to re-applying). Unfortunatly, the girl on the phone didn't understand the issue....


The same thing has happend with Sainsbury's who actually went above and beyond in fixing the problem, and even went as far as compensating me as we've potentially miss out on a property we like, and to some degree tarnished my credit file.


I probably wouldn't of been as bothered as much as accidents do happen, it was when she was casually talking like it was just a simple refund and my credit score didn't matter....

173 REPLIES 173

Thank you Alex, I have filled out the necessaries, and look forward to seeing what happens next.

Thank you! According to the last email reply I received, it is sorted. It took only a few days. Apparently, lenders see the change after 48 hours. I just have to wait for my credit report to update to see the change.

Just trying to get the forum to stop sending me an alert with every message posted.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Thanks for getting in touch @ninja1890 ðŸ™‚ Our Credit team would be happy to look into why the account is still showing as open on your Credit Report and make any necessary changes. 

I've sent over the contact details via private message

@xeryus I've changed your settings so you won't be automatically subscribed for topics you take part in. If you want to unsubscribe from this particular thread, you can click options in the top right and do so in there ðŸ˜Š

Id appreciate it if you could also send me details how to get an account removed from my credit file. Only had it for 2 weeks almost 2 years ago and had to cancel due to terrible customer service. Still showing active with Zero Balance

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@SpenJC We'll be happy to assist with your credit file query. I've sent you some instructions via private message, please follow the steps included and we'll get in touch to discuss closing the account fully.

OMG, how painful !


-online chat - after a difficult process when you no long have a phone number to then be given the wrong phone number to speak to the credit team

-next day try again with online chat - get provided the expedian number and told that they deal with it !!! Get the right number after a protracted conversation.

- the phone systems is so painful when you don't have a phone number to get through the system

only to get through to someone who tells you it's not a problem as its a zero balance

finally force my way to the account / billing team, who again don't see the problem ! after I got slightly irritated and kept forcing the point that VF have to stop reporting that I have an open account with zero balance, , they put me on hold and come back a few minutes later to tell me that they have 'put a block on it' and I wont get any more messages.. then corrected, the system wont continue to report to the credit agencies !


Fingers crossed next month it will be cleared oherwise I will be exploring the internal escalation process inside vodafone !


VF guys - fix the process and systems, a customer closes an account, as soon as the balance is zero, stop reporting to credit agencies 

Hello moderators


I have the same problem.


May I also have the details sent to me to allow me to get this resolved?



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@evan15281 I'm sorry you've had a problem with your Credit File. We'll need to access your account to take a closer look into this. So we can help you further, I've sent you a private message with details on how to contact our team privately.

@theyerbs It's disappointing to hear about the experience you've had. I've also sent you a private message - if there's anything you'd like us to check for you regarding this, please get in touch. 



It's worrying to see that this has been ongoing for years now.

I'm having a similar issue, regarding an account I closed three years ago (or so I tbought!), and it's negatively impacting on my credit score. This needs to be corrected so I can be approved on my mortgage.


Could you please send me a link so I can address this issue quickly ane easily?
