Hi ninjazxrr,
You’re spot on here- it certainly doesn’t sound like the usual congestion issue. I understand from your posts that you can still access the internet, however the problems only arising when streaming video’s, is this correct?
I’ve looked into this for you can see that your local site is currently being worked on which will may be affecting the level of coverage you receive.
How long have you bee experiencing this problem?
I can see from the site history that previously a case was raised for the site around the 19th January and before that the 16th January and then the 10th December. Some of these will be general/routine maintenance (not actual faults) however if work is being done on a site then this may impact the level of coverage you receive.
Looking at this, it would explain why you can be fine for 2-3 weeks and then suddenly have a drop in coverage.
We can’t provide a fault free service 100% of the time and we’re always looking at ways to improve our network.
The great news is that there certainly aren’t any 3G faults with the site at present so I would say that it is the current work being done that is affecting this.
All the best,
eForum Team