03-05-2015 05:48 PM
I recently upgraded to an Iphone 5s and at first 4g was working fine, but a week ago it just stopped working (i didn't change any settings or anything).
I checked the 4g availability map and it says it should work in all of the areas im having problems with. I've also tried the whole turing it off and on thing, taking the sim card out etc.
Any idea how i fix it? internet and apps are the main thing i use my phone for so its really annoying that it doesnt work
04-05-2015 07:01 AM
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
05-05-2015 02:58 PM
sorry i should have said 3g doesn't work either.
i've tried the first two things but neither worked and unfortunately when i tried my sim in another phone it would accept the sim.
should i go to Vodafone to sort this out or does it sound like an apple problem?
Thanks in advance