22-09-2014 10:48 AM
Spoke to a voda manager today.Still no update when I get my phone but I was told several times they will pay me £5 a day over the 19th that my phone won't show up.Apparently that is not the actual proceedure it's £5 week.But since they said it twice and put it in the notes they will honour it due to the all the problems with everything that has happened.
So take as long as you like voda you can pay my bills for a while.
23-09-2014 09:28 AM
23-09-2014 09:32 AM
I know the information about the credit, what has been confirmed by a manager since they listened to the calls and checked the notes is that the £5 a day will be honoured.
23-09-2014 11:26 AM
They messed up over the phone and not only did they say it once they said it twice and wrote it in the notes.