14-05-2009 05:56 PM
15-05-2009 02:10 PM
I called Vodafone last week and explained that I want to use Vodafone Pay as You Go Mobile Broadband. I did also say that I DON'T need a USB modem as I have a laptop which already takes a sim card.
I was then told that i shall recieve a normal phone pay as u go sim which I need to then change to MOBILE BROADBAND sim by calling 08700700191.
I called that number and I have been transferred form one person to another and different departments. No body has been able to help me.
I ask if you can give me a number to call for this to happen and also tell me what the process is as I can explain to the Vodafone person to ensure its done correctly.
Any settings/ downloads which need to be done on the laptop?
15-05-2009 02:21 PM
15-05-2009 06:14 PM
16-05-2009 09:19 AM
Hi Tface
I'm sorry for the wait; unfortunately we can't offer a sim only service for the Pay As You Go Broadband modems. Data tariffs operate differently to mobile phone tariffs and as such the only way to get this working would be to purchase a USB modem, even though you already have a capable computer,![]()
If you've been advised that you can use a standard PAYG sim then this is incorrect, it will work in the computer but it will not have the Mobile Broadband tariff.
Mayn thanks
eForum Team
18-05-2009 10:35 AM
18-05-2009 11:49 AM
23-05-2009 09:26 PM
The initial purchase of the modem, covers the cost of setting up the connection
25-05-2009 11:24 AM
And you seriously think that we believe that the set up costs for a mobile internet sim are greater than a 'normal' phone sim, on which you can use the internet on your phone... Do you think we were born yesterday.
I would like to use Vodafone on occasion, but as I already have a suitable dongle, there is no chance that I am going to pay Vodafone £25 for something that will never be used and will just be chucked in the back of a drawer.
A business that turns down customers who want to give it money is ..., well let's just say it's not very sensible.
25-06-2009 10:17 PM