25-03-2014 02:02 PM
My son broke his Blackberry phone and I bought a brandnew replacement blackberry Bold 9900 via amazon.
He already have the blackberry internet service on my account.
I called last night and this morning as I am unable to create new account on to add my blackberry to the vodafone BIS service.
I receive the following message.
Cannot create account:
Your BlackBerry® Internet Service Account is suspended or deactivated. Please contact
Vodafone UK at 191 (from a Vodafone mobile), or 08700 700 191 (if calling from the
UK), or +44 7836 191 191 (if calling from outside the UK).
I have forced a registration from the host routing table but it would not register.
I spoke to a call handeler at 8:00am this morning and was told the blackberry has been added and wait an hour and it should register with the Blackberry network.
It's not working..
I have contacted the support guys again aroung 11:00 am and they sent the service books to the phone but it's still not working.
Help Please