15-03-2014 07:50 PM
I can not acces the internet on my laptop.
I can not connect to Vodafone mobile broadbrand.
When I try to connect it starts, the installing bar moves part of the way and then it stops about half way.
It displays an error message which states 'Mobile connection not possible'.
At the bottom of the message it states 'contact suppport' and displays 'support information RAS error code 631'.
Please investigate, advise and assist.
Thank you.
17-03-2014 08:02 AM
Have you seen this - admittedly not particularly helpful or concise:
18-03-2014 07:45 PM
Well on my dongle it's printed on the case - "K3565 Rev2"
24-03-2014 07:39 PM
I check my Vodafone mobile broadbrand dongle.
It is model K3770.
24-03-2014 07:49 PM
I know the model number.
I seen that it supports the latest version of Vodafone mobile broadbrand software.
So how do I download it to my laptop, when I cannot connect to the internet on my laptop?
Please advise and assist.
24-03-2014 11:22 PM
Download using something else and transfer - how are you communicating with the forum - smart phone?
27-03-2014 08:01 PM
I am posting messages using a computer at a webcafe.
I do not have broadband in my flat.
I can not access any free wifi.
I only have an old standard phone.
I am on a limited income.
So please suggest how I download the latest software.
27-03-2014 08:38 PM
I frequently use Wetherspoons for free internet access when away from home.
29-03-2014 10:20 PM
Wetherspoons is certainly more reliable!