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Complaint - My Vodafone App

4: Newbie

My Vodafone App for WP10. Any chance? We've waitied a good 4 years now.

Come on VF, pull your finger out of your ##~## and serve ALL your customers, not just the Apple/Android brigade.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @frunet


I feel your pain:(


Unfortunately it's always seemed Apps have been lacking on that particular platform. 


I'm one of the brigade you speak of :Winking_smiley: but have owned and used those phones. 


I've personally not seen any new news on any release either. 


 On performing a Google search I can see quite a few hits. 


One return hit is the following link. 


Have a look as it's about the app. 


If you decide to try it then it's entirely at your own discretion and risk.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@frunet wrote:

My Vodafone App for WP10. Any chance? We've waitied a good 4 years now.

Come on VF, pull your finger out of your ##~## and serve ALL your customers, not just the Apple/Android brigade.


The reality is that Windows is virtually dead as an OS and the chances of Vodafone investing any time of money in developing an app for it is probably zero. 


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Microsoft have just about abandoned Windows Phone in favour of it's Universal platform. Vodafone needs to create a UWP app that would run on mobile and Windows desktop systems.

First, thanks for the APK link, I'll give it a try.


Read Microsoft's strategy as you will, but my WP10 OS is updated regularly so it's clear enough that it has not been abandoned. As I recall they will continue to have a high-end model and some options for budget models.

It's attitudes like Vodafone's, compounded by folk with no experience of the WP platform saying "it's dead" that help serve to finish innovative platforms, scaring off potential customers. Dare I say it, but BB10 is also a fantastic and innovative platform which I found particularly easy to use in a corporate environment, but that was also killed off by folk having no experience of its functionality, usually with comments about absence of apps, even though there are thousands of them plus the ability to modify Android apps and run them too. 


From my experience, those who have tried WP10 actually like the interface more than the two favourites. MS will always face an uphill struggle as consequence of the '95/'98/ME unreliability but W10 users have realised the clear improvements which knock-on to WP10. I've had handsets for the top two and imho WP10 is way ahead.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion
Given that you have no idea what experience other people have I'd be more circumspect about your observations.

Frankly it doesn't matter how good the Windows or Blackberry OS's are. It's boots on the ground that is the determining factor. windows phones now account for around 0.7% of the smartphone market. That makes it effectively dead and Vodafone is not going to invest time and money in developing software for a tiny fraction of the user base. It's just how the world works. Blackberry's share of the market is even lower.


My observations are that those who use it, love it.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I have used both platforms as well as Android and iOS. 


I liked both of them as well and I have friends who still use both platforms.


It doesn't change the fact that they are both bit part players in an increasingly polarised mobile world. The only mobile phone manufacturers that make any mobile are Apple and Samsung. Everyone else loses money.


The Chinese manufacturers will become increasingly important fueling the growth of Android. 


Microsoft have other fish to fry and Blackberry is now a software company.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

It's a shame, from a development perspective Windows 10 is actually the easier of the 3 platforms to write apps for. Microsoft seems to have taken the best dev features from both competitors whilst fixing the shortcomings in the other platforms.

To make it worthwhile for Vodafone any app would need to be written and targeted at all Windows 10 users (mobile and desktop). I imagine the number of people checking MyVodafone from a Windows Desktop could possibly justify it however, I wouldn't have thought they would have considered this.

I imagine a large number of people checking MyVodafone from a Windows 10 desktop (currently about 25% market share) could possibly justify it, however, I wouldn't have thought they would have considered this as an option.