06-04-2017 08:46 AM
Morning all,
As I'm sure a large number of people on the community share in my frustrations with Vodafone's customer services/relations team and their shortcomings, however I'm really now starting to lose the plot.
A few weeks ago I contacted Vodafone to find out to confirm when my contract was set to run from and to as different dates were shown on the myVodafone App compared to logging in on a web browser. In the insuing weeks I've had dates changed, price plan fiddled with and at one point even told (repetitively) that my contract finished in January (even though I was well aware I only took out the 24 month bundle in March 2016). Because of all these modifications I have been asking customer services/relations to provide me with a detailed breakdown of exactly what has changed on my account during this time, an explanation as to why the changes were made, as far as I am aware the contract terms have been changed and I am requesting that I have something in writing to clarify what these are. Though I understand there is a lot of calls/chats to go through at this point, it should be a relatively simple exercise of going through account notes and putting it into an email for me to keep for my own records.
However the various (6+) different customer services/relations personnel I've spoken to over the past week do not seem to understand that, nor will they follow up on promised emails/calls or reply to my previous emails. The best I have got so far is a member of staff informing me what my current bundle is, with no other explanation at all. I've responded to this email and am yet to receive anything back.
Yesterday during yet another call with customer relations I explained that I cannot afford to continue to be on the phone trying to sort this out and that email is my preferred method of communication as it gives me a record of everything discussed, however I was told that it is not Vodafone's policy to send emails to customers and everything has to be discussed over the phone before anything is put in an email (or as I am finding, things are discussed on the phone before an email is sent missing out almost everything discussed). Or, Vodafone will send SMS messages with information that does not reflect any changes that have actually been applied to the account. If this really is the communication model Vodafone are using I fail to see how it is still running as a business.
To add insult to injury, with all the changes Vodafone have made to my account it is somehow showing my March bill as nearly £50, when it should be only £29 (£20 normal bill plus £9 for EuroTraveller). I've been given a number of 'Goodwill adjustments'/credits put on my account that should sum to £50 for the month, however once again even after repeatedly being told by someone on Live Chat or over the phone that the credits have "now correctly been applied", they have not.
I realise I've gone on a bit of a rant, but after 12+ hours of trying to get this sorted through multiple communication channels can you blame me?
Does anyone have any suggestions that could help me resolve this? I'm strongly considering submitting a SAR at this point but resent having to pay £10 to get something I believe should be (realtively) easy to provide in the first place. After all, this a change to a contract surely needs to be approved in writing by the customer?
Thanks all!
06-04-2017 03:10 PM
Our team will need to take a look into this for you so we can see what's been happening and help get things resolved.
I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.
07-04-2017 07:51 AM
I have responded to your message and expect a swift reply from your team.
07-04-2017 06:36 PM
@wwhyte92 I can see that our team has been in touch to assist you. :smileyhappy:
06-04-2017 11:21 AM
As a side note to my ongoing issue with Vodafone (see:, there have been a couple of ocassions where Vodafone have called/attempted to call me to discuss. In doing so, I receive a text informing me that someone will be calling within 30 minutes.
Could I please point out to Vodafone that is it not much use sending these texts less than 1 minute before trying to call a customer. Every time I have received these texts I get called within seconds of receiving it, which doesn't give me a chance to excuse myself to take the call at all.
While I appreciate that the text message is meant to be helpful, the way it is currently being used negates that purpose. In my experience of this at least.