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Difference between V3 and V2

4: Newbie

I have a SS V1.  I'm thinking of adding a second SS to enable additional coverage. 

What is the difference between V3 and V2 (aside from intgrated into plug for V3.).  Any funtional or signal improvement?


What is the downside to buying one off ebay (aside from the risk it will not work).  Am I dependent on them de-registering the device before I can use it?


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi david,


The only major difference is the addition of a through plug which means your not tieing up a socket for the device. Oh and the price, the V2 was £50 wheras the V3 is £100 (prices new)


The only issue you will have buying from eBay is if the previous owner has failed to deregister. If this is the case then the team on here should be able to help out if the previous owner gets in touch.



Apart from the physical difference I believe that the v3 can support up to 8 concurrent phone calls whereas the v2 can only handle 4calls. Obviously you will need the bandwidth to support this number of concurrent devices

13: Advanced Member

Hi Nabs,


As usual, published information on the v3 is, er, scant. It looks to me like it connects to the router using WiFi rather than an Ethernet cable, but do you know whether this is actually the case?






No it is wired.  Actually, it's a good box.

It's quite large to plug in - so can't really place in a multi-block, and it is tall, so there neeeds to be plenty of room above a socket, but the neat thing is it has 2  Ethernet ports - one to go into the router and another to plug the PC into.  Thus it seems to have some kind of simple Hub inside, and means that you can plug the ehternet cable that was intended for your pc into the SS, and then 'daisy chain' the pc off the link.  Which begs the question of what speed hub it might be (10/100/1000).  I haven't tried this though, so there is a chance it might not be operable.  No info on the enclosed leaflet.


It does take (much) longer to connect and authenticate than my V1 SS.

Thanks for that, David.


All the very best for 2013  :smileyhappy:


I have the V3. It needs a physical ethernet connection to the router, i.e the VPN bit does not connect over wifi.. 


On the underside of the V3 there are 2 ethernet ports. See picture


Yellow - labelled "Router/Modem" this connects to your Broadband equipment

Grey - labled "PC" you can connect a PC to this port.


There is nothing in the supplied documentation that explains this grey port. I connected my laptop to the Grey port and it connected at 100 Mbps. My laptop also got an IP address using DHCP and I could use my broadband network as well. It seems like the grey port is an ethernet bridge port.


  What does Vodafone Sure Signal do?


  • It boosts the 3G signal in your home or office
  • It plugs in, so it doesn’t take up space
  • It lets up to eight phones call at the same time

13: Advanced Member

Thanks for the picture, nops. All is now clear.


All the best for 2013  :smileyhappy:
