17-05-2017 04:45 PM - edited 18-05-2017 11:16 PM
Hi all,
I recently bought a new PAYG VF sim with the £30 bundle for my HTC One M8. I used my PAC from 02 to port my business number over to this sim last Thursday... ever since then I have had no signal. I left it over the weekend and contacted VF on the Monday four days from porting. I was told to wait another 24hrs. I did so but still no signal, so I went into town to the VF store where they gave me a new sim and put my ported number on it. They said that the porting had completed OK. I left the store and waited another 24hrs. (this has now been 6 days now without a phone which I use for my business).
I went back to the VF store again today and the guy tried my sim in his phone... it worked and his sim in my phone... it didn't work. So he said that it was a problem with my phone. The thing is that it worked fine with the new VF sim and then didn't work after the porting process...
I have tried various things/tips/advice from the internet with no luck. When I try to register on the VF network it tells me that the sim will not allow it !!
Can anyone help with this please?
Mobile Device: HTC One M8
17-05-2017 05:14 PM
That's a good process of elimination the Vodafone emoyee has done which highlights your account and sim are ok.
Maybe as a last resort create a back up and factory reset which takes the phone back to the last firmware update. This may help.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
17-05-2017 05:52 PM
I have already done a back up and a factory reset and I still do not have a signal.
I am now at my wits end...
Mobile Device: HTC One M8
17-05-2017 06:07 PM
When you insert your own sim card have you tried then going I to the network settings in the phone and manually choosing another network and then re choose Vodafone.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
17-05-2017 08:06 PM
Yes done that, the sim will not allow it it says...
Mobile Device: HTC One M8
18-05-2017 02:22 PM
Hi @Paffman
Could you let us know what message you're getting when you attempt the steps that @BandOfBrothers has suggested?
18-05-2017 03:10 PM - edited 18-05-2017 03:25 PM
Hi Will,
Many thanks for the message.
I have tried everything and more, with no luck. My HTC One M8 is unlocked and I have tried an 02 sim with the same results. I just need to find out how to fix it or who can fix it as I really need that phone.
The thing is that it worked OK with the new VF PAYG sim with the original number, but as soon as the porting started I lost signal and never got it back.
I have attached some pictures so you can see the error message when I try to register manually to the VF network. I get the same message "Your SIM card does not allow a connection to this network" if I try to register on any other available network. You don't think the sim or IMEI number has been blocked?
Mobile Device: HTC One M8
18-05-2017 10:56 PM
Mobile Device: HTC One M8
19-05-2017 09:39 AM
We'll need to escalate this for you to see why it's happening.
I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch with our team so we can help get this sorted.
19-05-2017 07:06 PM - edited 19-05-2017 07:14 PM
Please see below part of my live chat on Vodafone this afternoon...
I've spotted the fault!
The SIM is missing a sync with the server.
(IMSI Type HLR Last Update Mobile Status MSC/SGSN/MME 234159503675875 GSM 19-MAY-2017 00:45:07 REGISTERED 447785014055/VF-Bollin 234159503675875 GPRS 17-MAY-2017 12:27:43 REGISTERED 447785012627/SGSNSY4 234159503675875 4G - NOT_REGISTERED -)
To get the SIM in sync with the network server, please switch off the mobile, take the SIM out and wait for 10-15 seconds, before inserting the SIM and switching it back on. Once the phone is on, please disable the automatic network/carrier search mode and register with Vodafone 2G.
Once done, please repeat searching for the network and register with 3G. Finally, let the phone be on 4G/LTE mode or automatic mode and restart.
This is a bit strange and quite unacceptable!!
My sincere apologies..
The condition calls for the port-in team to interfere as the process at the same end is the root of the trouble.
The team can be called on 191 or on 03333 040 400 with a Vodafone number or on 03333 040 191 from any other number.
This is a bit strange and quite unacceptable!!
My sincere apologies..
The condition calls for the port-in team to interfere as the process at the same end is the root of the trouble.
I then rang Vodafone and asked to speak to the port-in team. I was told that they were busy and that they would ring my back in ten minutes. But sadly I never got a call back.
I have been without a phone which I use for my business for over a week now. My phone was working fine with the new Vodafone sim and original number, but after Vodafone ported my business number to this sim I now have no signal. This is very frustrating to have a working phone ruined.
What do I do now? I have a very expensive phone that no longer works.
Can you help me Vodafone?
Mobile Device: HTC One M8