31-12-2017 12:35 AM
Hi guys!
I've been searching this for over 1 week and still have not found a proper way.
I have tried all the oneclick apk and windows versions but they say they dont have a root available.
I also tried to unlock the bootloader using adb fastboot method but nothing happens.
Is it even possible on the Vodafone Smart First 7 vfd 200 android 5.1
31-12-2017 06:00 AM
Hi @rootvfd20
First if I may id suggest to ask yourself why you feel compelled to Root your phone.
What the process could bring extra to the phone, and what negativd ramifications it can also bring from bricking the device due to firmware corruption to an unstable experience.
Plus this process can trip and void any remaining manufacturing warranty.
Please do not get me wrong I'm in no way advising not to do this as its your phone but I felt compelled to raise the above even if your well aware just incase anyone else performs a search for similar help.
My experience comes also from jailbreaking iPhone's for years and what that process can do.
Now as Rooting has the possible negative outcomes I mentioned above it wouldnt be correct for me to help or guide you on how to go about this, and Vodafone may not allow such advice due to the ramifications even though advice given on here is at the sole discretion of the member as long as Community Guidelines are not breached.
If you perhaps navigate to the Xdadevelopers site there is relevant info and advice there.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.