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Iphone 7 plus pre order issues

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I know a lot of people are having issue with the pre-order of the Iphone 7, particularly the plus. Can it even be called pre-order? There has certainly been no benefit to me ordering the phone on the 9th of September at 08:01 as soon as the phone lines opened.


My ordeal started on this date (09/09/16) the first “pre order” day. I phoned up and got through to someone within 30-40 seconds. So you would think that perhaps I would be in good grounds to get the phone on the agreed release/delivery date (16/09/16). After 4 hours of placing the order I had still received no confirmation of the order. I went onto the support portal and had an online chat with an advisor who told me I hadn’t placed an order for a phone with them.  He told me that I can place an order with him on the chat. I refused this as I did not want to lose my place in the queue. I then rang the support line (at around 14:00) to speak to someone about my order. The person I spoke to said that there was no order but they can see notes on my account showing that I had placed one. This person apologised and then placed the order saying that they put me back in the queue as if my order had gone through at 08:01 that day. After this phone call I then received a text with the wrong pricing on telling me that my new contract was £68.00 a month!! This then meant I had to phone back again to find out what was going on and why this had changed to what I had agreed. I was then told this was a mistake and that the price I agreed was on the contract and not £68.00. I then asked the advisor to confirm my order and asked if I still had the place in the queue I should have had when I phone at 08:01. They agreed and told me this had been prioritised and I was in a better place than I would have been at 08:01.


So the 16th of September arrived and I received a text at 00:50 which woke me up. The text saying (I’ve not included my order number): “Just to let you know, we?re waiting to get your order EDM-*************** From the manufacturer. We?ll send another update in 3 days? Or sooner if we have more info”.


Yes the question marks were in the text for some reason?


So during the day on the 16th I phoned up to try to get an update on the order and was told they didn’t have one and that basically Apple did not deliver the right amount of phones to Vodafone. I was told that this was not Vodafone’s issue this issue was Apples. This is not the sort of update you want to hear. I pay Vodafone for the phone and my contract not Apple, so my issue is with Vodafone.


I gave it a few days and got another text saying the exact same thing as above but this time it was sent through at 03:52 telling me an update would be available in another 3 days. I rang up again to speak to someone to get a better update than “you will have an update in 3 days” to be told the exact same thing as on the 16th by the advisor on the phone, and to be told my order was prioritised.


Another few days later on the 22nd I received another text say that I would now receive and update in 4 days. Again the text was sent at a stupid time and woke me up, this one was sent at 00:54. I phoned through to Vodafone again to speak to a support advisor who told me my order would arrive on the 1st of October.  I asked to cancel my order and was told that I couldn’t and that I had to wait for the phone to arrive before I could cancel. This is defiantly not something I wanted to hear so I ask to be put through to the resolutions/complaints team. The advisor in this team then told me I couldn’t raise a complaint and I had to then also wait to get my phone. She then advised that October 1st was an estimate and not even a true delivery date. She then went on to give me the same story that I have been given for weeks, that the issue was not Vodafone’s but Apples.


I have started to give up at this point. What more can I do? I can’t cancel my order, I can’t raise a complaint. I have got no real update, and have been continued to be lied to by the Vodafone advisors who just want to get me off the phone.


The last update I have had from Vodafone was on the 26/09/16 saying the below: “Hello. Unfortunately due to exceptionally high demand we’re still waiting to receive stock from the manufacturer – we’re sorry or the delay. You can find the latest information on your order by visiting and entering your order number EDM-************. Just so you know, our contact centre agents don’t have any further information.


I haven’t since contacted Vodafone for an update and have been checking the tracking portal. Last week the portal finally gave some kind of an update saying my estimated delivery date was from the 28th to the 5th. I checked this again on Saturday 1st and it has now changed and been pushed back now to the 5th to 12th. Today (03/10/16) I have been onto my Vodafone portal to find that I have had £160 charge added to my bill for the phone I still do not have! This will be taken in a few days via DD. This is unacceptable.


I am at a loss of what to do. I’ve been told I can’t raise a complaint, I can’t cancel my order and now I’m being charged for the phone! The customer service I have received has been appalling. Why do Vodafone treat their loyal customers this way? I have had my current phone number with Vodafone for 10 years!


Any ideas to what I can do next would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you.


3: Seeker
3: Seeker

You most certainly can cancel the order. I did. Nothing has happened; no delivery, no nothing. They cannot hold you to this if you insist. If you get the phone you're more likely to just roll with it – that's what they're banking on.


Quite apart from the simple fact that you CAN cancel an order without waiting for something to be delivered, they're in effective breach of contract by not doing what they promised. Don't let them get away with this.

Had to Email the CEO again!


Hi Nick,

So I find myself needing to email you again.

This is due to the appalling customer service from your company. After I sent the below email through last week I received a phone call from your resolutions team on Monday(3/10/16) . This team offered me £20 for all the trouble I have been through. To be honest I think that this was quit insulting. I requested that Vodafone waver the full upfront cost of the phone. The phone by the way that I still don’t have despite it now being over a month since I ordered it!!! The Agent I spoke to said he would get back to me within 24/48 hours. So by Wednesday over 48 hours after the promised call back I had to ring your support as I had not heard anything. I was told that I needed to wait another 24 hours as it was busy and that my case had been escalated.  24 hours later I had still not heard anything. I had to ring back again. This is now Thursday (6/10/16), I spoke with someone who said they were going to try to put me though to this team. I was on hold and waiting around on this phone call for an hour and 20 minutes!! I never got through to the resolutions team in the end. The agent I was speaking to agreed to call me back on Friday before 11am. On Friday I got a phone call at 11:15, only for the agent to put me on hold again to try to speak to your resolutions team. After 30 minutes I gave up. I asked to speak to this agents manager who told me no and that I needed to speak to the customer resolutions team. This is the team I have been trying to get hold of all week!!!

This is absolutely UN acceptable! Vodafone are making it impossible! This agent said she would hang up on me and keep trying the customer resolutions team and phone me back when she had someone. 35 minutes later I then received a voicemail saying that I had missed them. I never received a missed call!!

I want a phone call today from your customer Resolutions team manager otherwise I will be cancelling my direct debit (so you can’t take the payment for a phone I don’t have!) and I will be taking this matter further. I have been more than patient with Vodafone.

12: Established
12: Established

Sent you a private message with some helpful (hopefully) information.

Cheers for the PM!


I spoke to somone within seconds.

More bad news from Vodafone. They have put my case on hold as they say i hung up on them on Friday!! I was promised a call back and had a VM from them no missed call. Now ive been told its another 48 hours to wait before they will contact me. Ive told them my DD is now cancelled so they cannot bill me this month.


Vodafone are the worst company i have ever dealt with... Ever!



So After getting a phone call on tuesday from the resolutions team i was told they had taken my up front charge off the bill until i get my phone. I was also told they would update me with the location of my phone.


Today i have just checked my bank account to find out that Vodafone have charged me for the phone anyway..


At this point now this is just making me laugh..

Just checked my bill... The charge is back... Thanks for the heads up



I completely understand your distress and frustration at this issue. 

If you are experiencing problems with your bill please speak with our Live Chat and we will investigate. 



Vodafone are a shambles and it is no surprised that they are being investigate by OFCOM...