07-10-2015 11:43 PM
30-10-2015 03:03 PM
I would like to echo other members of this thread by thanking you. I have recently got rid of my SGS6 and got my hands on a Z5. I have to say that Vodafone's CS on the telephone is getting from bad to worst. It took me a few hours with three telephone calls before the matter is sorted. The matter which I was referring to was a simple issue: Port over my number from another network to Vodafone; and change my plan.
Have a good weekend.
03-11-2015 11:18 AM
Hi everyone,
I've had an email back confirming all the content, both exclusive and non exclusive to Vodafone, that should be available to you. This is as follows:
Sony have confirmed that all Vodafone Z5 customers have been sent a push notification encouraging them to visit Xperia Lounge to download this content. If you have turned off push notifications, when you visit Xperia Lounge the content will still be there for you to download, you just won’t get the notification.
As mentioned previously, you need to be on the latest software (XL app version 3.2.1). If you're not currently on the latest software, once you upgrade it, the content will be accessible. I can also confirm that the content is now available on both the black and green versions of the phone.
I hope this helps clear things up and thank you for your patience while I looked into this for you.
03-11-2015 01:13 PM
@ ChazzD : Many, many thanks for all your help in confirming the content on our Made For Bond phones. It is somewhat sad that you have been the only Vodafone employee who has been able to assist us and help confirm the content available. Shame on Vodafone, not so you. Thank you. That said, I have all the content you list above except the behind the scenes interview (vlog) with key charcters. This to my knowledge has never been available.
I do require one more piece of advice however, how do i download the items (trailer etc) off Xperia Lounge? Is that something I can actually do or does this mean something you can purely watch?? If you can confirm that for me it would be very much appreciated.
Lastly, thank you again for all your help with our queires, you really have been a star.
03-11-2015 01:29 PM
You're very welcome.
I understand you've been disappointed with the way it's been advertised and I've fed this back.
To install the downloadable content, click on the Bond image in the Xperia Lounge. You'll get the option to install, then once it's completed you need to go into your themes settings and apply the Bond theme.
As far as I know, I don't think the trailer is part of the downloadable content. Sorry to hear you've not been able to get the vlog, I'll pass this information back to see if there's any known issues with this and why it doesn't seem to be available.
As soon as I have any further information regarding this, I'll let you know.
03-11-2015 12:26 PM
03-11-2015 05:48 PM
04-11-2015 01:45 PM
Hi all,
I've had confirmation that you should be able to download all the content, including the trailers and behind the scenes interview.
Could you let me know if this isn't the case for any of you? If you could provide any screenshots of the Xperia Lounge content where you believe some of it missing or not available for you to download, that'd be great as I can feed that back to try and find out why this is.
At the moment I'm struggling to get any further information regarding this but I'll try my best once I know exactly what you're still missing.
04-11-2015 05:13 PM
@ Chazz D : The only thing I have been able to download is the Bond theme/Gun Barrel lock screen/Spectre wallpaper. Everything else (advert, trailer, behind the scenes on advert) is just viewable. Still no vlog from Moneypenny however.
Not sure how to get a screen shot of what is viewable when in the Made For Bond section but it is still only the advert, trailer and behind the scenes of the advert.
Good to hear from you again though, thank yuo for your continued help.
15-02-2016 12:06 PM
Has anyone person actually respolved this yet?
As predicted the film came and went and just the one screen saver come on Vodaphone and Sony your BRAND VALUES have bottomed out on this one what a mistake in not getting the Samsung 6 Edge + suppose we learm from mistakes
04-11-2015 08:02 PM