21-03-2013 11:02 AM
I have two Suresignal devices, both of them working normally.
At 1am in the morning I keep being sent a text from "SureSignal" saying "Reminder: We still do not have any details of the location of your Vodafone Sure Signal....."
I have updated the website on numoerous occasions in an attempt to stop these texts, but they just keep coming.
IN WHAT WORLD IS IT SENSIBLE TO SEND A TEXT AT 1AM IN THE MORNING? Absolutely ridiculous. I am on call, I cannot just put my phone onto silent. If you like, why don't you give me your mobile number, I'll phone you up and wake you up at 1am every day!!
1) Stop sending me texts
2) Change the time the texts are sent to a more reasonable one.
Ellis Dixon
22-03-2013 09:07 AM
Hi there ellsidixon,
Thanks for your post. I appreciate how annoying this must be for you.
Are you aware of any short internet outages at the place where the Sure Signals are placed? It seems strange that you'd get these texts unless there's been a change of IP address.
Could you give me both serial numbers so I can check the location details?