12:15 PM
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03:58 PM
We’ve created this thread to help with an issue that some people find during setup.
This issue has the following symptoms:
Troubleshooting steps:
Wait 24 hours.
It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for the Sure Signal to fully register with the server. Before attempting any of the steps below, please wait 24 hours.
Check for planned maintenance.
Planned maintenance can cause periods of downtime, so check the forum for any planned maintenance. If there is, this will be announced at the top of the Sure Signal forum.
Check that your Sure Signal has registered successfully.
Before your Sure Signal can connect to our network, you need to register it with us.
You’ll receive a text or email to let you know when the registration is complete and your Sure Signal won’t work until you’ve received this message.
To check your Sure Signal is registered, login to your My Vodafone Account and click on the 'My Sure Signal' tab. Your Sure Signal details should be listed, along with the status 'Registered'.
If you’ve not yet registered your Sure Signal, you can do this directly from the My Sure Signal page in your My Vodafone Account .
If you’re a Business customer, please register on our business Sure Signal page.
Manually configure your router to allow port-forwarding.
In most cases, routers support a system called Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP), which sets up port-forwarding for you automatically. If you’ve got a complicated network setup, or a complex router, you may need to enter these settings manually.
Please see the following for a list of IP addresses and port numbers that need to be forwarded to your Sure Signal's internal IP address. For instructions on how to do this, we recommend you contact your ISP or Router Manufacturer, or refer to the default guide for your particular make and model, over at
Destination IP Addresses:
Ports and Protocols:
Please note that in the above list of IP addresses, the notation "" means the complete range of IP addresses between and
Your router also needs to assign the Sure Signal with a DNS (Domain Name Server) address via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Post your router/ISP details and Sure Signal serial number.
If you’ve done all of the above, or you’re struggling with configuring your router, please post your router's make and model number below. Please also include your Sure Signal serial number and the name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
We find that other users of the same router will usually be able to share tips with you, to get things working.
We’ll also attempt to help with this, but due to the number of different manufacturers and models, it is not always possible. We don’t officially support any form of router configuration, so we’ll always recommend contacting your router manufacturer or ISP for assistance first.
09-02-2011 08:19 PM
Once I've completed the portforwarding on the router, good luck to anyone who does not understand routers, I thought I did but this took some hunting around to find instructions.
how to I fix an IP address to the SS as I can't log onto it to fix it?
How long does it take the SS to connect once I have opened the ports?
10-02-2011 09:06 PM
11-02-2011 01:11 AM
To fix the IP address of the SS, first look on the back of the SS to get it's MAC address. The go in to your routers LAN settings and assign the MAC address to a fixed IP address. Then reboot the SS and it will pick up the fixed IP address.
However you still wont be able to login to the SS because it doesnt have a user accessible web interface like a router does.
11-02-2011 12:06 PM
10-12-2010 01:22 PM
Hi all and Vodafone,
Like many others I have yet again awoken this morning to find the Sure Siginal not working .. after many weeks with similar incidents I was hoping that the December maintenance by Vodafine to fix things isn't having any effect whatsoever plus the 2nd line techincal support help desk is either unware of this and/or still blaming ISP's or unit faults.
This week alone (ignoring for the moment the outages on the 10th, 16th, evening of 29th and 30th November) I came back at midday Monday 6th to find the Sure Siginal down .. reset it and left it overnight still out on Tueday .. talked to 2nd line support a couple of times and going throught yet again (!) the ports being open, router ok, ISP questions/answers etc., they then said it must be the device (I didn't believe it and in fact the person themselves hinted that he didn't either!) so they arranged to have a replacement device sent the following day .. awoke the following day (Wed 8th) to discover miraculously all was working again without any intervention or box swaps so was instructed when I called to check to refuse the new box as it wasn't a box issue .. therefore must be service/server issue now fixed at Vodafone network.
Working from Wednesday morning then till awoke this morning to find, like others, that it's down again! Nothing changed here in relation anything (ISP, router, etc) as it was yet again overnight and still awaiting a call back from 3rd line tech support after talking with 2nd line tech support again.
In previous weeks when this sort of thing was happening and no-one was admitting it was Vodafone issue at there end initially there was talk of user efforts to escalate this to Watchdog, press, etc., .. I feel as a user community we have do something as Vodafone are consitantly ignoring customers problems especially in terms of being open and upfront about causes of these outages that no matter what is claimed can only be from their side due to it both affecting many users at the same times but also due to the "suddenly starts working" aspect of no local changes.
Vodafone - do you have any response?
Other customers like me - what do you all think?
Best regards,
10-12-2010 01:28 PM
I fully support you on this. As customers (or should that be suckers) we need to unite and demand that Vodafone start supplying the service that we are paying for. If the means bring in the media then so be it. Hopefully Vodafone will wake up in time to realise what a public relations disaster their poor service is creating and start doing more than make empty promises.
10-12-2010 02:31 PM
As i stated in my previous reply its now pretty obvious that vodafone have a problem thats affecting quite a few suresignal users so i wonder how long it will be before vodafone open there eyes and agree this is there problem and stop blaming other isp,s etc and sort this problem!
Maybe the suresignal tech guys should try reading these posts then they it may sink in that were not wasting our time by getting told useless info by there support team that has no chance of even fixing this as we have nothing to fix the problem is at vodafone!
Come on guys sort this out please!
10-12-2010 03:01 PM - edited 10-12-2010 03:05 PM
I'm joining the club.... LED 1 on, LED 2 flashing.
New installation - Never worked
Router: Netgear DG834, ISP: BT (PPPoA), MTU: 1500.
Step taken so far:
- Forwarded incoming ports.
- Reset SS (20 sec reset + power cycle): LED 1,2,3 on + LED 1,3 on + LED 2 on cycle for 20-30 min then back to square one...
- Noticed ICMP traffic from SS to: Reverse DNS: and Reverse DNS: no records - address in BT allocated range.
- Now the only traffic is to
Next step:
I'm happy to put an hub between the SS and router to do a pcap of traffic following a new reset tonight but 1) Is there any point 2) Any contact at Vodafone to upload/send the pcap and able to anaylse it?
Already asked question regarding the ICMP traffic but didn't get a reply (just welocme message and thread locked).
As network security analyst myself, I'm happy to help/provide Voda any capture / info / test to get this issue progressed/resolved.
10-12-2010 03:12 PM
Hi guys,
Thank you all for posting, I can understand how frustrating this issue must be. At present, we're not aware of any general outages, however we would like to look into why so many of you have reported issues today.
If you're still experiencing these symptoms then please let me know your Sure Signal Serial number so that I can pass it onto the Sure Signal team for investigation.
eForum Team
10-12-2010 03:17 PM
Are you wanting us to post our ss serial numbers in the forum???