18-01-2010 12:54 AM
23-01-2010 11:41 PM
24-01-2010 01:19 AM
24-01-2010 01:46 AM
24-01-2010 04:26 AM
Hello woolygirl
The new sceanrio for the Payt usb modems was a business decision. The change took place just after Christmas.
It is still great value for our customers .
24-01-2010 08:18 AM
Although the top up lasts for 30 days I also notice in the handbook of a newly purchased USB modem that it states that if the modem is not used for 180 days then the broadband will be disconnected. I could find no mention of this on the website and feel slightly conned by this extra restriction on top of the 30 day one. The whole idea of Pay As You Go is that you pay when you need it. With the current conditions it costs £15 every 3 months without ever actually using the connection to keep it active.
24-01-2010 08:52 PM
24-01-2010 10:00 PM
25-01-2010 05:48 PM
Although the top up lasts for 30 days I also notice in the handbook of a newly purchased USB modem that it states that if the modem is not used for 180 days then the broadband will be disconnected. I could find no mention of this on the website and feel slightly conned by this extra restriction on top of the 30 day one.
25-01-2010 10:20 PM
Could someone from VF please respond to this point?
For example, if some I buy a dongle under the newer R branded plan and then allows the credit to expire for a period of over 180 days, what action or payment is needed to obtain a new SIM or to re-register the old one in order to add to credit for a new 30 day period after a long gap in use?
My question is only about the newer plan and not about the one that was available before last Christmas.
Are the complete detailed T&Cs for this newer plan published online somewhere? And if not - why not?
25-01-2010 10:37 PM
Is THIS what you're looking for?
It's the nearest I could find to an answer, but, as with other info on the site, it's open to interpretation