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Mobile Broadband - dell netbook wont connect!

4: Newbie
Hi been emailin customer services about my dell mini9 netbook that I got last year not workin (works fine at home and all programmes work fine) just the mobile brodband does not work so I have been payin twenty odd pound a month for nothing. it seams there not botherd about helpin me out when ever I have had a problem in the past vf has bent over backwards to sort stuff out for me. I know I should have tried to sort this out sooner but due to the birth of my frist child I had to leave it, I feel a little let down I have been with vf for a long time now. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jd101

Congratulations on the birth of your first child, I know this is always a special moment, and way more important than a computer.

I would like to help with this, but I do need some more information around this.

When you try to connect what happens?
Do you get any error messages? if so please let us know what this is.
Have you had this issue since having the netbook or is it more recently that this has happened?

A few good thing to test in the mean time, is to put the SIM card from the netbook in to a mobile phone and to connect to the internet.
If this works ok, it should work fine in the computer. If not, we will need to look at your account.

eForum Team

4: Newbie
Hi there martin thank u... when i try connecting it says eather searching for network or insert sim tried the sim in my nokia e72 and it worked but vary slow it has been like this since i got it from you did try sortin it out but then i had to leave it due to the baby and a house move but with my job at the moment i need the netbook to get online where ever i am

i am var greatful for your help.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Jon,

I’ve checked the coverage in your area using the postcode on your profile and this is showing that you do have indoor coverage but this will vary. Is this your new postcode?

I just want to do a few checks with you:

Do you have the modem set to 3G only or 2G/3G?
Are you able to use the modem elsewhere?

As you’re having similar results when placing the SIM in a phone, I think it’ll be best for us to check your account and see if anything needs updating. :)

I’ve therefore sent an email to your registered eForum email address so just reply to the email with the requested information and we’ll look into this for you.

eForum Team

4: Newbie
Good mornin Jenny,

Sent you a reply to your email the ony thing it does is as stated in the 2nd post as far as i know it is all set up right



4: Newbie
Still not heard anything yet :(

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jd101,

I've just received your email and am looking into this for you now.

eForum Team