23-03-2015 04:44 PM
24-03-2015 02:32 PM
I have the same problem. I bought the mobile wifi with 2gb already on it, I have now passed the 30 days and want to top it up. I tried to register on My Vodafone but its not a phone so I do not get a SMS message with the vertification code, I downloaded the dashboard but still SMS messages are not received. I topped up at the bank but I still cannot connect. I called the top up number to be told its not mobile wifi but a pay as you go phone and to call another number. I am at a loss and cannot get to a Vodafone shop as I work the same hours. This was a great product for the first 30 days!
25-03-2015 02:43 PM
Hi @SaraB2015 and @g_tennant
So we can access your account, please get in touch via Live help.
You can also find other ways to top up your mobile broadband.