28-08-2016 07:38 PM
20-10-2016 11:56 AM
20-10-2016 12:24 PM
Thanks for the clarification Viki.
Obvioulsy somebody on your chat helpdesk is under a different impression :smileywink:
It wasn't me that initiated the chat BTW, it was being discussed in a thread in /r/googlepixel over on Reddit.
Anyway, should probably get back on topic...
22-10-2016 09:38 PM
Come on Vodafone. I have a nexus 6 that I ordered through Vodafone. I updated it to nougat and yes... the my Vodafone app stopped working. Surely the update to nougat wasn't a surprise. Google do tend to update their operating system each year! The developer preview has been around for ages. Didn't anybody think to try the app on it and react accordingly when it didn't work. Lazy. And it isn't the fault of people who have nexus phones and get updates in a timely fashion. As a top tier provider, get your act together
24-10-2016 10:14 AM
Hi @Daverob
As Nougat is not fully avaiable yet our App is not yet compatable.
Google devices recieve the update first.
24-10-2016 10:24 AM
Nougat is not fully available? I think it is - and has been since late August.
I have a Nexus 6P, upgraded to 7.0, and my app isn't working either.
The developer preview for Nougat 7.1 is already available too, so no excuses for not being ready for the next Android update.
Stop making excuses and just get it sorted. Simple as that.
24-10-2016 10:25 AM
Sarah, sorry to be pedantic but Android N was ’fully released' on 22nd August which was 2 months ago.
Does MyVodafone has issues on the newly released iOS 10?
24-10-2016 12:16 PM
Hi All,
This is only fully released to Google handsets.
Google has finally released Android Nougat, AKA Android 7.0. After months and months of beta versions, the final build of Android N is now shipping out to the Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C, and General Mobile 4G.
As not all handsets will have this update yet our App is not updated for this Android update.
24-10-2016 12:41 PM - edited 24-10-2016 12:43 PM
Sarah, that is a strange position to take.
Have you withheld iOS 10 compatibility until all devices have iOS 10 installed. Also older iPhones now can't be upgraded to iOS 10. Therefore does this mean you within iOS 10 support because some devices don't have access to it?
the fact that A final version of Nougat had been released and that Vodafone offer SIM-only contracts where your customers use their own handsets including the final version of Android 7 should hopefully mean you have a desire to support it.
instead of trying to suggest that you don't need to suppport it because not every Android handset out there has a Nougat build available.
It's all a bit disappointing
26-10-2016 04:18 PM
@aadshead wrote:
Have you withheld iOS 10 compatibility until all devices have iOS 10 installed.
There's a difference between iOS and Android. All iOS updates are provided by Apple directly, so devices get them at the same time (allowing for rolling out). There is no network branding on Apple devices, but there is on Android (on top of manufacturer branding). For this reason, the appearance of new versions is much slower and only Google devices get updates immediately. It's also looking as though Google may not allow network branding on its own devices (which is, imho, sensible).
I'm pretty sure there'll be Nougat compatibility on the My Vodafone app as soon as the network has Nougat enabled devices for sale (or coming up for sale). For the reasons outlined above, that hasn't happened yet. It may be a pain for Nexus and Pixel owners, but the app will be finally tested with the manufacturer and Vodafone branded versions of the OS and it's fair to assume that isn't ready yet, not least because it's only just coming from manufacturers (at the time of writing, I think there may be only one LG phone that has it at all).
25-10-2016 10:52 AM
Sorry Sarah, from a major providor in the mobile world that realy is a pants excuse. Do you adopt same approach for iPhones?