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My Vodafone

13: Advanced Member

Hi people I am a little worried about the my Vodafone app 

At the oment it says I have data left and zero days 

Because my bundle is on the 16  each month does it mean I still have a day left to use what's left of my data 

I t has not reset to a new  month  

Sorry for typing I have lost my glasses 


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion




When you check your data allowance via the online MyVodafone to the MyVodafone App is it different ?

May I ask what your Data Allowance is per month.

If you ever see yourself running out then there are a few options you could use. 

If relavant to your particular contract use the Data Cap facility > My-allowance-usage-and-charges - Data-capping - What-are-data-caps.

Turn Off Mobile Data just before you run out of data. Typically things update after midnight. 

Look at increasing your Data Allowance by speaking with Customer Services. 

Add Data via > Vodafone extras.

Note the extra Gb of data I believe is reucurring each month so please do check and cancel it if not wanted every month.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



View solution in original position


13: Advanced Member

Hi have just been on 191 and the guy I spoke to  was brilliant but it was hard to explain what my screen is showing and I have a screen shot I but I don't think it's appropriate to post it on it on here as Its  personal 

I asked the advisor could I send it to him

But said there was no need 

But what  he was telling me was  different from what on my screen  i 

I'm sorry I have  to post my problems on this forum  but it  has turned out that I can get some excellent info knowledge here

But I am really concerned  about my bill 

Because if you don't monitor your usage you can end up with a huge bill 

There is no way I could afford a huge bill I   constantly monitor m my by the app and also stop your data use with app on the  with the data monitor and I set so it goes  up  gig

At a time






17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion




When you check your data allowance via the online MyVodafone to the MyVodafone App is it different ?

May I ask what your Data Allowance is per month.

If you ever see yourself running out then there are a few options you could use. 

If relavant to your particular contract use the Data Cap facility > My-allowance-usage-and-charges - Data-capping - What-are-data-caps.

Turn Off Mobile Data just before you run out of data. Typically things update after midnight. 

Look at increasing your Data Allowance by speaking with Customer Services. 

Add Data via > Vodafone extras.

Note the extra Gb of data I believe is reucurring each month so please do check and cancel it if not wanted every month.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.




I'll post the  screen shots  at bottom 

I was being hounded by Vodafone start to activate it but I didn't want to do cos of problems It gave me

Any way I just tried to down load my bill and it has wiped all my data 

And not letting me get to my bill

Doing what it did last time and I went my Vodafone app and I was  unable to get to my bills I'll post  some screen shots at the bottom 

I'm absolutely furious sorry  I knew I should of ignored the Vodafone start but it was propping up on m  whole screen your missing out so I gave in and it has put my phone in the condition it was when I first started on here 

And it has took all that time I got from you and other cc and some of vodafphone staff on here but now  I'm  back at square one 

It has took months to get  my device 

Working without issues 

I'm sorry but this is causing me so much stress I feel like I've been conned activating that Vodafone phone start says I was missing out  on loads and all it has done is wiped all my  data saying I have to set up a pin and then when I go into it it's asking it is  for the pin I have been using but before I get to that page it is saying I I have to set up a pin 

Also it won't let me post all the screen shots 

I was told I  was given good will 

Gesture for all them issues that I posted and ending up looking like a customer who just moans at any thing but that is not the case 

The tech team told me quote 

Some one has had a bit of fun on your account unquote I knew I should of ignored the constant today Vodafone start popping up on my whole screen every couple of hours 

I'll find a way to post all the screen shots but I've got them all on usb because there has keen so many different ones and if I just told some one what happened they won't believe one device can have so many issues but please keep checking here and I'll find a way to got them on  here so you can at least see what I have been dealing with and  it all started when a 191 said I need your last two digits of your pin and he said sorry that didn't work can I have your first two digits so when he said thank you that is it but I had give him my whole pin 

And then when I got through to the tech team on a phone call the lady sorted my problems again and said quote some has had a bit of fun on your account 

Sorry I will have to come back to this i am late for a delivery 

But being forced to activated Vodafone start 

But  it wasn't a usual notification it was taking over my  whole screen saying I couldn't use my device I have no signal because I haven't activated it and now i am back to square one that took me two months of having to moan and embarrass my self on this forum and look like some one who is just  mating up stories but that  was not the  case I even didn't put all the problems I had 

I had more than what I posted 

And now I have had to make a fool of m self 

And writing this I am embarrassed to say I have just explode into tears over this 

I'll have to stop now but I will post as many screen shots as I can so you can see what so many different things that the system has showed 

Note but all Vodafone forum staff have been great it is just live chat and 191 I am sorry to say you either get some one really helpful or you can get some one  who doesn't help at all and keeps you on the phone for 2 hours on one of my calls and  got no were I have a 2 hour live chat transcript that after two hours of asking for help so at the end s asked to speak to a manager and straight away  she said he is not available but le  me try to appease you  I'll try and put that  up as well 

I'm off to citizen advice burea even the  people in the Vodafone store have  never seen an account like mine 

Some thing went wrong when I was offered an early upgrade 

Sorry for the grammar in this post but I'm in a write state I thought I  had finally sorted all my problems but I'm  back to square one

Also now even typing on here as all messed up most of this post I have had to type most of it letter one by one so once again sorry 

For the grammar

I'm going to see if they will let me go as much as I love this device when it goes wrong it does it big time and the constant worry is making me ill with the stress of getting  a huge bill 

I even waited for a remote booking for Samsung as they could tell them was issues with my device so I took 2 hours out of work and it never came 

Right I've got to stop now as I'm just ranting  

So once again sorry for having to make a fool and embarrass myself once again 



typing on this forum since I activated The Vodafone start I have had  to keep coming back and correcting the grammar

And I've been doing this since 8 o'clock this morning 

Once again sorry for the way the post as turned out but it is so hard to  use all the words i am typing are coming out wrong unless I do it letter  by letter 





17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



Please remove your current screen shot as it's currently displaying your mobile number. Anyone can see it !

I personally use an App called Aviary from the Play Store where you can blur out parts of a picture or screen shot. Perhaps give it a try and blur out your number and then re add the edited screenshot. 


Looking at that screenshot you have 12gb of data left to use which is quite a lot. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Sorry i am in a right state here have I moved the correct data as it it hard work typing and using the forum since I  was forced to use odafone start I Did not use it as it caused my last device to crash constantly and I did not need anything it offered and now it has done the same as it did to my s 5 but I was forced this it  as a notification and then it took over my whole screen saying I can't make  calls it said please activate Vodafone start I I had no option it was forced upon on me I felt like I've been robbed once more i am sorry for that but that's how I feel

I did not even ask for this device it was offered and I was offered a excellent deal that tuned out different from  what I was offered 

Thanks again for the warning 

But my data has just refreshed but it was saying your allowance renews in seven days 

But I can't put a screen shot of it as I didn't realise my number was at the top I was furious and was not thinking clearly it just brought everything back I was told on the phone  quote  "looks like some one has had a bit of fun on your account"

But the lady sorted that problem  for me and excellent 

It was Tara from the tech team 

It so humiliating having to do this on here and end up making a fool of myself without realising 

As my main use for coming here was to resolve a problem and then help other people as I learn more myself 

I don't watch tv i am either making tunes with my guitar and then  when nothing is happening I come on the web as there are loft of fascinating sites i enjoy exercising my brain 

But I have can go a bit to far some times without realising so if I have offended any one  in any way I apologise that is something that is not in my nature so I apologised If at any time I have,

that was not my intention



Thanks for all your help but I'll admit that my forum etiquette is not my forte but I'm working on it thanks again and to all others that have given me knowledge that  I wouldn't of got any were  without going on some coarse


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



Don't ever be worried out grammar or forum netiquette as long as you don't breach any forum rules. 


Looking at Vodafone Start and the info in this link it can't be deleted but can be hidden!

Thus intimates its needed.

Normally I'd suggest clearing the system cache and app cache and then factory reset which should take it back to the last firmware update that was carried out but I'm not sure if this will remove Vodafone Start. 

Am I correct in thinking you got your phone from Carphone warehouse? 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Thanks again but no it was not car phone 


I enquired about broadband and then he said were offering loyal customers the chance to   to early upgrade so I took that 

And that's when it all started.

My first device I had to send back and then the next day the right phone arrived but when the delivery driver opened the bag there was no  label to do the swap 

So I had the device in my hands after waiting a week for it then I had to hand my device back after holding  it and that's when he told me due to no label can not do

The swap 

I know it's not a big deal to some but I had waited a week for it then  hold it and then hand it aback painful that alll I'll say but that problem was DPD  

Any way vodafonex got involved once I told them and made up for the time I had  lost  and the bit of stress  caused .