15-03-2017 03:54 PM
I have spent nearly 2 months and many hours on the phone to the Pay as you go team, all around the world, to obtain a network unlock code for my phone.
The complete ineptitude of the unlock team defies belief.
11 requests for a NUC, 1 by me via the internet and the other 10 by the PAYG team.
Lots of apologies and escalations which do nothing to get me a NUC code for my phone. On my last call to the PAYG team yesterday I decided enough was enough. I called and requested a 'letter of deadlock' as my nerves can take no more of this incompetence.
It does not surprise me that Vodafone, in the U.K. ,has been ranked the worst service provider for the last 4 years.
15-04-2017 09:06 PM
Jenny, sigh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16-04-2017 10:32 AM - edited 18-04-2017 08:30 AM
It is now Sunday the 16th April 2017. After my call on Friday to the directors complaints dept to advise the latest unlock request to the nuc team had failed. This was because the replacement phone's imei had not been put on my account. I was advised the corrections had been made and a new nuc request had been made.
I was expecting to wait a while for my new code as the Easter bank holiday was upon us, but I was surprised that I had an e mail from the nuc to this morning.
Considering the absolute failure of Vodafone to do anything right in the last 3 months I was dubious of the outcome of this e mail..........WAS THERE GOING TO BE AN UNLOCK CODE FOR MY REPLACEMENT PHONE,
Below is the e mail I opened:-
To unlock your phone from our network you need to have been with us for at least 30 days. That means your SIM must have been used in your phone 30 days ago or longer. We insist on this as prevention against fraud.
What you need to do next
Once you've been with us for 30 days or more, simply fill in our online form again. It'll cost £19.99 to send you your network unlock code (NUC), so make sure you're in credit by at least that amount when you send your form.
Vodafone Customer Services Team
Am l surprised, No the sheer incompetence of this company beggars belief.......I will send the CEO another e mail complaint about how poorly their own dept has handled my original complaint.
08:46 AM
- last edited on
09:31 AM
It is now 08:42 hrs on Tuesday 18th April 2017. I have just called Edward #######, Director complaints dept, but was unable to contact him directly.
I requested the customer services person I spoke with to add a note to my account and advise Edward when he was available of the following:-
For Edward not to call me, but e-mail me with what actions he is going to take to resolve this latest failure to obtain an unlock ciode from the nuc dept.
Update to follow...........................
18-04-2017 04:44 PM - edited 18-04-2017 04:47 PM
Well it is now Tuesday 18th April 2017 at 16:30hrs. I have just received an unlock code and I have successfully unlocked my Vodafone smart Platinum 7 from Vodafone network.
It has only taken 3 months of phone calls and numerous e-mails, going to the local vodafone store on 2 occassions, etc. It has been a tortuous uphill climb to get the phone unlocked. Over 16 unlock requests by myself, pay as you go customer services team, tech team and the director complaints dept.
I would like to think that I had acheived something by my determination to obtain a network unlock code from vodafone, but I just feel absolutely worn out and stressed to the max.
The only compensation is not having to deal with these fools ever again. My brother got a job with these people many years ago and it surprised me at the time because he was a pretty useless network engineer with drink issues. It is clear to me now why they took him on........This is me signing out and not coming back.......I just feel for all those other vodafone customers who end up with issues that, well you get my drift.
07-04-2017 10:55 AM
It is now the 7th April 2017, I am still awaiting the response from Edward Robinson for the director complaints dept as to the NUC specialist request for a nuc code from the manufacturer! what a waste of time and effort.
As previously stated the complaint went to the e-mail address of the ceo on the 24/03/2017 and this is the current status of vodafone's ineptitude to mere supply a nuc code for my phone.
God forbid I had a problem with my billing if I had a contract with them, but I learnt along time ago that pay as you go is the safest way to limit phone provider's ripping you off.
I will update again on Monday 10th April 2017 - don't hold your breath, I'm sure I already know the outcome.