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NG21 - Nottinghamshire Vodafone not helping

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

The signal in the NG21 area, North Nottinghamshire has reached a point over the last few months where calls are consistently dropped and messages come through several hours later.


i have phoned Vodafone, but have been sent round in circles and have had little help or a solution offered.


the signal,checker on the website shows good coverage including 3G. The reality is different, there is barely 2G.


i have had the SIM card updated on my phone and have reset network settings but to no avail.


the icing on the cake is a text from Vodafone saying that there are no issues in my area and it is a problem with my Sure Signal box. This to me is proof that the company are fobbimg me off, as the postcode they quote is in Aberdeen, a few hundred miles from my address.


i am at a point now where my phone is not an asset, it is a burden which costs me money, not only in line rental but in loss of business from dropped calls and messages that appear hours later.




17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



I think we all here as fellow customers fully understand how frustrating it can be when a Network signal fails, has fringe coverage or is intermittent causing connection issues.


Process of Elimination: Can you perhaps try your Sim Card in another phone to rule out either the Sim Card or Phone which may be at fault. If an alternative phone takes a bigger sim then the Network Shops have plastic Sim Card Adapters that temporarily make the original Sim Card larger.


Hopefully Vodafone will be releasing Calling Over Wifi that works on Wifi so that will help those having intermittent signal issues. 


Mood course Sure Signal is an option with a one off cost attached that again works off Wifi and creates a 3G signal in the home. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.





thank you.

i have a new SIM card installed in a Vodafone store the other day.

the sure signal has been re-set and seems to be working fine.

the main issue I have is the lack of real help from Vodafone. To text me and say that the network is fine in my postcode, then give an Aberdeen on (I'm in Nottinghamshire) is not helpful.

to me that proves they are just paying the issue lip service without providing a true answer.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @danrich8,

Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.

Your speed test results from here.

Your ping test results from here.

Your external IP address from here.

The results of a traceroute.


Your Sure Signal serial number:


VSS Traceroute command

On a PC:

Click on Start and select Run

Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok

A black box will appear.

In this box type tracert press Enter

Paste the output of this command into your reply.

This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.



Here are my speed test results



I’m not clear with what issue you’re experiencing?


You say the Sure Signal has been reset and is now working fine. So do you now have 3G coverage?


I'm sorry to hear you were told of an issue that's not related to your area. I imagine someone has simply made a mistake when entering your postcode.


Can you be as clear as possible as to the problem you're having?


Please read my original post.

the signal in the NG21 area of Nottinghamshire has degraded significantly over the last few months.

the outside signal is barely there and consistently drops calls.

so it's not just sure signal I'm having problems with.



Are you having problems with your Sure Signal though?


If so, what exactly is happening?


Please give as much information as possible.


For us to look at the network, we’ll need a full postcode.

Why are the responses focusing on danrich8's SureSignal when he has clearly stated that a degradation of services across the NG21 area is the issue he would like a constructive response to?


Skim-reading of posts by moderators is incredibly frustrating and happens far too often. Your managers need to allow you the time to read posts properly and give a considered response.


I too would like to know what's going on across NG21.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


To be fair, the Tech Team are not getting constructive answers to their questions.

It has to be realized that there is no real connection between the Vodafone cell signal in the NG21 area and the Sure Signal, so where is the problem? 

I have a Sure Signal, which provides me with a good 3G signal ... If my local cell blew up I would still have a good 3G signal. Likewise if my Sure Signal blew up, I would have very little signal at all and certainly no 3G reception.


On 22 Sept. Wayne asked if there was now a  3G signal  (which would confirm that the Sure Signal is working) ... this question wasn't answered, just a reference to the first post.


Sukhi asked for 5 items of information concerning the connection details of the Sure Signal .... only 1 ( speed test)  was answered.

And so it goes on..... 


I don't think it's a question of skim-reading, I think it's just confusion.

The responses are focusing on the Sure Signal because it's most likely to be the issue and this will help to determine where the problem lies.

It also appears that there is maintenance due to start on 1st. October at the cell that provides the 3G signal for NG21, so maybe that will help to clear up any issues in that area.


