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New iphone 10

1: Seeker

Please could you let me know when I can pre order the new iPhone 10


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

No they won't. The prices stated here are the real prices and won't change.


Ok link everyone to your Tarifs? Clearly you have all the tariff prices so share them with everyone.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@Jacko20jj wrote:

Ok link everyone to your Tarifs? Clearly you have all the tariff prices so share them with everyone.

Sorry - not able to do that but,  as a long standing member of this forum, I can tell you that the information is correct.


Sorry didn't realise that because you have lots of spare time on your hands, to post 16 thousand posts that you must get special treatment from Vodaphone and therefore know tariffs before everyone on here. Sorry I ever asked for your source. 😂😜

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@Jacko20jj wrote:

Sorry didn't realise that because you have lots of spare time on your hands, to post 16 thousand posts that you must get special treatment from Vodaphone and therefore know tariffs before everyone on here. Sorry I ever asked for your source. 😂😜

and if you always feel the need to be unpleasant you'll never get much help from anyone 


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm sure we'll all find out soon @Jacko20jj


If going from previous flagship iPhone releases and with the iPhone X being a special iPhone it's gonna be in high demand = short supply and as discounts always seem to be lacking especially on iPhones it aint gonna be cheap !


and before you look at my post count - don't judge me  - I'm just a chatty kind of guy.  :Winking_smiley:

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



😀. Definitely no discounts been offered any where, will be the hottest phone this year. I'll be ordering on the lowest tariff with largest upfront cost I can get. Hence my involvement in the post. I just find it unhelpful when information is been shared that doesn't seem to be backed up from any where, and definitely don't think it's helpful. Maybe some people are in the know here on the forum but I find that unlikely. Knowing How Vodaphone work most of the time there employees don't know what's going on until after its happend let alone anyone else. I can't wait for the release and  mad hatters tea party to begin and hundreds of complaints on the forum that happens every year 🙈.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion
All I can do is assure you that the information I have is official. Take it or leave it - your choice. Good luck with whatever choice you make.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

People want the flagship phones and iPhone's which all networks utilise @Jacko20jj

That's possibly why deals are very few and far between on them with higher tariffs and upfront handset costs. 

I agree disposable income allowing buying outright is an option which is something I always do. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



@sean4444 wrote:

@Woogy Where did you find out that tariffs for iPhone X will start at £68 ??? 

So, yesterday on the Vodafone title page, where it stated 'register your interest here' on the coming soon tab for the iPhone X it claimed tariffs will start at £68. This morning that information has changed & it states '£74 pm, £100 up front, 40gb data + extra 10gb 4g data'.


@BandOfBrothers I wasn't speculating, it's all there in black & white for all to see :Winking_smiley:.


@I've been thinking about it & as @jeffkinn said, I can't see any provider discounting the tariffs to make it an option for me, not in the real world. I don't object to paying up to £150 one off payment but I can't justify £68 pm, much less £74. I just wouldn't use that data. That's the equivalent of our energy bill pm :Horror_Face:.


As much I am interested in the X, I may try & find this fan version of the Note 7 that was apparently going to be released in South Korea. I still have a good deal with Vodafone, I could just pop the sim in a new phone.