‎16-01-2018 07:52 PM
wondering if anyone can help as I'm getting no where quick with the online advisors, both chats tonight with conflicting advice.
Fibre broadband activated last Tuesday so it's been on a week and so far router speed hasn't gone over 36, out guranteed line speed is 73. One advisor said that a service call had been issued a few days ago due to slow speed and had I received a call, I said no. He said no worries I'll do some tests. He wanted me to take face plate off, so I unscrewed it but I couldn't get it off. After that line was disconnected to chat!!
Had to explain it all to a different advisor who who advised me to change channels and enable split something!
My my question is why get told my guaranteed line speed is 73 when most of the time I don't even get half that showing in the statistics. I know it takes a while to stabilise but surely they should be much higher already?
Sorry for the ramble feeling frustrated!
Stats below- I've noticed the FEC counter on upload is going up by 1000,s in seconds? Normal?
DSL Status
NAT Mapping Table
Diagnostic Utility
Event Log
DSL Status
This page shows the technical parameters of your DSL connection.
DSL Status
DSL Connection active
Bit rate
Downstream Upstream
Actual data rate 34999 (Kbps.) 19985 (Kbps.)
Operating data
Downstream Upstream
SNR Margin 4.6 dB 6.1 dB
Loop Attenuation 18.6 dB 23 dB
Error counter
Indicator name Downstream Upstream
FEC Corrections 43 5554722
CRC Error 13 6
Transmitted Frames Received Frames
Frame Counter 2242083 3699873
‎05-02-2018 03:55 PM - edited ‎05-02-2018 03:57 PM
Thsnks for replying, no they haven’t been in touch.
The router speed seems acceptable ish although yep it’s still not the guaranteed minimum line speed. The issue now is that during peak times we can not stream anything but yet during the day Ethernet is nearly at the sync speed of router. Our firestick is connected via Ethernet and last night the speed was only at 1mbs!! Via Ethernet!! And 0.93mbs via WiFi. Yet during the day i’m getting over 40mbs. It’s just shocking, traffic management issue perhaps? Just really fed up with it all now.
‎05-02-2018 03:56 PM
Edit- not the guaranteed line speed!
‎06-02-2018 09:21 PM
Another night of disconnecting 😒
‎22-02-2018 01:11 PM
All this sounds familiar to the point of being a mirror of my experience with Vodafone.
I have had the 76 fibre arrive with a minimum guaranteed speed of 73. It as never got past 46 mbps but at peek hours drops to 4 - 14 mbps (often dropping out completely) over a wired connection. I think I have been escalated to Tech 2 now but am not seeing any improvement in speed.
Even excluding the abysmal customer experience just getting the router and internet setup, it hasn't been a great start to the contract. I miss being able to get Virging Media they were increadible to deal with. If it doesnt hit thier minumim speeds I'll bite the bullet and move to BT.
Shame, Vodafone have been great to me over the last 12 years for cell phones. They still have a long way to go with providing broadband, to the point that it's almost like dealing with two different companies.
‎23-02-2018 04:56 PM
@Lebowski101 It's disappointing to hear you're not getting the speeds you're expecting. Please keep us updated and let us know what the Tech 2 team advise.
We'll be more than happy to forward your query along to our Broadband team. So we can do this, I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.
‎23-02-2018 05:43 PM
I was told the Tech 2 team would get back to me in 48 hours at the most. That didn't happen. My internet speed is still almost unusable.
‎23-02-2018 05:50 PM
Thank you for the link. Hope it goes better than dealing with the Vodafone Web Chat team ive dealt with before.
‎25-02-2018 08:27 PM
Still no reply from Tech 2. I contacted web services and was told they would get Tech 2 to look in to it.
Tech 2 had never been contacted and the 72 hour cycle stats again.
Check out this screen grab of my speeds.
I'm changing provider tomorrow
‎26-02-2018 10:59 AM
As customer services from vodafone reaches new lows.
See the attached screeshot. I have been given a date to be contacted almost a month in the past.
Seems to be on par with the rest of my contact with Vodafone.
‎26-02-2018 05:03 PM
My final post on the board and my final time as a Vodafone Broadband customer.
I have asked to have my broadband looked in to via webchat, phone, links given to me on here and filling out official complaint forms.
Aside from an incorrect text sent to me, I have heard nothing since I was told I had been escalated to the mythical Tech 2 team (which I think my just an email address that filters directly into their trash folder).
I'd rather spend my time talking to new companies to serve me bradband than have to deal with the incompetence I have encountered at Vodafone.
Below in the Additional Info box is attached an image of my Broadband speeds. People could go downhill skiing on that graph.